• ICh bin jetzt von Anfang an bei diesem Spiel dabei.
    Nie wurde ich geschrottet.

    In letzter ZEit wurde es aber doch sehr langweilig bei diesem Spiel.
    NAchdem ich mal die Gesamt Nr 1 war bin ich ein Jahr in den Umod gegangen.

    Danach habe ich auch nur noch gesavt und Ressourcen gesammelt und gebaut. Auch wieder ein gutes JAhr lang.

    Spielen konnte ich das schon lange nicht mehr nennen.

    Deshalb bin ich heute morgen mit Freuden in eine offensichtliche Falle gegangen.

    hoopoe von WOTV hat mir geschrieben mal bei Mr. Mojo in der 7:262:6 zu schauen.
    Natürlich finde ich dort seine Flotte :D
    Wie immer bei solchen Hinweisen suche ich die weitere Umgebung ab und finde TEODORE von der UGOF in der 7:282:7.

    ICh konnte also nur gewinnen. Entweder erwische ich Mr. Mojo Flotte. Was sehr unwahrscheinlich war. Oder ich werde endlcih geschrottet. Was sich als wahr herasustellen wird. Es gibt zwar noch eine 5 Sekunden ZEitspanne um zu saven, aber ich will nicht mehr.

    NAch dem Einschalg werde ich alle meine Planis löschen und gelb werden.

    Alle vorhanden Ressourcen werden mit vernichtet.
    Bis ich gelöscht werde wird mein letzter Plani in 2:249 sein. Da wird aber nichts drauf sein.

    Ich hoffe nur das dieser KB der größte bisherige wird.

    Ich bedanke mich bei allen mit denen ich gespielt habe.

    Euch allen noch viel Spaß

    PS: Wäre Corsair in der Nähe gewesen wäre ich nicht losgeflogen. Ihm gönne ich keinen Erfolg.

  • I don't understand why people still fall in such traps srsly...
    If TEODORE put a planet there it was obviously for a reason^^"
    +There was an UGOF roid in the area (dzik)

  • Moin olles Haus,

    hab das Rumpeln im Uni grad gehört, quasi eine Erschütterung der Macht... ;)

    Dann wünsch ich dir mal alles Gute im RL, halt die Ohren steif, war immer nett mit dir, damals, in den alten Zeiten...

    ...darauf ein schuppiges "Hail DragonS" vom alten Reptil...^^

    Gehab dich wohl




    since "2oo7"

    Uni: Retro
    UID: 136

  • Hi mein Alter Weggefährte ! Ist mega schade um Dich aber wenn man absolut keine lust und sinn mehr sieht zu spielen verstehe ich es 10000% :)

    Ich und die MMD wünschen dir viel spass und Erfolg im RL

    wWr eine schöne und zum schluss ruhige Zeit mit dir :D

    gruss Weimar04 MMD

  • I do not understand your decision
    if you meant to stop the game you would have to destroy what you built with your own hands ...
    instead you exit the game as a loser.... giving merit (right) to others ..
    you're right the game is not as it used to be, but many beginners still play
    managing to have fun ..

    respect anyway your decision ... I understand from the comments that you have a family .. greetings and prosperity


  • <p>Hello Dr. Fasut,</p><p>i'm sorry for your decision. But you are right, the game is boring now. As all players can see, i'm playing a little because i don't have any stimulus. </p><p>I'm sorry that theodore destroyed you with a very easy trap. You are an old player with a lot of experience and you had not to fly there. </p><p>What do you mean about me in the last sentence? I don't understand german language and google traslate does not work well. </p>

  • Seid ihr alle so doof oder tut ihr nur so?
    Steht doch eindeutig da das er keinen Bock mehr hatte und ABSICHTLICH in die Falle gegangen ist..

    Alles Gute im RL! :)

    Und alle, die hochmütig sind und nicht bereit sind, sich zu fügen, werden gebrochen und zu Staub zerfallen.

    Mit freundlichen Grüßen


    Uni: Nexus
    UserID: 20

  • Comunque approfitto per dire una cosa, il perchè in tanti abbandonano il gioco,
    non ci sono stimoli.
    Io ricordo tanti anni fà quando giocavo in spaceinvasion italiano, cerano tanti regali e in più incentivavano i giocatori con premi.
    inanzi tutto la velocità bisogna rivederla, le zone di attacco bisogna farle in proporzione ai punti che un giocatore a raggiunto! non ci deve essere uno di 10k che attacca uno che a già raggiunto 1k,diamo la possibilità di crescere.
    Ricordo solo che non potevi lasciare il gioco neanche un'attimo, eri sempre impegnato con spionaggi attacchi intercettazioni.
    Non mangiavi non dormivi non uscivi più di casa, mà ce da dire oggi si può fare con questi smart phone. tutto è possibile!!
    per cui troviamo una soluzione per incentivare i piccoli giocatori.

    Lo dice un vecchio giocatore!!! non vedete i miei punti attuali, se non abbandonavo il giorno della fusione,da quello Italiano a quello Europeo,oggi sarei stato uno dei primi. e posso insegnarvi tanti di quei trucchi ancora oggi ne siete allo scuro !!! il motivo e che qui non ce gioco !!!
    Qui mi sembra che siete tutti alla ricerca dell'occasione, è se non avviene, siete tutti addormentati, con la paura di far uscire la flotta, o quant'altro.
    Io sfido la sorte ogni giorno, e provoco anche chi di punti ne a più di me! ma niente!!
    Svegliatevi un po!!!!

    However, I take this opportunity to say something, why so many abandon the game,

    there are no stimuli.

    I remember many years ago when I was playing in Italian spaceinvasion, they are looking for a lot of gifts and more incentive for players with prizes.

    first of all the speed must be reviewed, the areas of attack must be made in proportion to the points that a player has achieved! there must not be one of 10k attacking one that already reached 1k, we give the chance to grow.

    I only remember that you could not leave the game even a moment, you were always busy with espionage attacks wiretapping.

    You did not eat, you did not sleep, you did not go out of the house anymore, but today you can do it with these smart phones. everything is possible!!

    so we find a solution to encourage small players.

    An old player says so !!! you do not see my current points, if I did not abandon the day of the merger, from the Italian to the European, today I would have been one of the first. and I can teach you many of those tricks even today you are in the dark !!! the reason is that I do not play here !!!

    Here it seems to me that you are all looking for the opportunity, if it does not happen, you are all asleep, with the fear of getting the fleet out, or whatever.

    I challenge fate every day, and I also provoke those who have more points than me! but nothing!!

    Wake up a little !!!!

    • Official Post

    Bevor Ingame oder hier noch mehr Spekulationen oder ähnliches angestellt werden; das Team wird sich diesen Fall genau ansehen.

    Ich persönlich will abschließend nur sagen das ich es sehr Schade findet das ein Spieler so den Abschied sucht.
    Du hätetst deine Flotte auch einfach löschen können; aber du hast dich dazu entschlossen diese als nun hier offensichtlichen Abschieds-KB Jemanden zu geben, wo jeder im Universum jetzt vermuten muss das Geld oder ähnliches geflossen sein "könnte" ...
    Als letzte Aktion so eine fragwürdige Aktion zu machen finde ich zumindest nicht gut...

    Dennoch viel Erfolg im RL!


  • Dschi i really dont understand this what i readed this. (and its not the translator)

    One player made a nice strategy to catch another one, made a plan, lure opponent to fly to potencial target and intercepted him on way back.
    Before the BR - intercepted player writted a post here that he thinked that this may happen but decided to fly enyway and say good bye to all at the end here.

    Why you want to punnish the attacker now ?
    The game makes no send with such rules.

    So if i fly with all of my flight, got interceptedy by top1 fleet playet or Alliance attack, and write here that i was thinking this may happen but deceded anyway to make a risky attack becouse game is boring or any other reason, you will accuse him of illegal push becouse i was thinking this may hapen ???

    Whats the sens of making attacks in this game then ?

    We're part of a story, part of a tale
    Sometimes beautiful and sometimes ... insane

  • For me, this is clearly a rule violation. He started this attack deliberately and knew he would be shot.
    He clearly argues that he wanted to stop and he knew it was a trap.
    Maybe the attacker paid for it, but we'll probably never find out.
    But how do we say in German so nicely " In doubt for the accused "

    So let's wait for the decision of the team.

    [align=center]so far T --- Dein Neid ist meine Anerkennung, dein Hass ist mein Sieg --- --Proud Member since 2008-- --Iustitia est constans et perpetua voluntas ius suum cuique tribuendi--[/align]

    Edited 2 times, last by John Wick ().

  • If they made a argreement between themselfs - yes you are right... But if not ? Look from other side now on this.
    So if you see a target - you cant fly to it if there is a risk of inteception ?

    Whats the point of attacking others in this game if you can be acused by any bored player who want to quiet next if his attack will end the worst way for hiim ? You know how this may affect game in what we have a lot such borred occasionally flying players ?

    We're part of a story, part of a tale
    Sometimes beautiful and sometimes ... insane

    • Official Post

    i didnt want to punish the attacker; i only reset the battle. maybe its a translator problem; dr. faust has admit in the first post that he has 2 options with this flight.
    1. he catch the first player and get catched by someones trap
    2. he didnt get the first player but was catched after this from someones trap

    he has admit that he dont want to escape (5sec escape) if some one attacks him because he dont want to play anymore.
    He use this trap to 100% end his game on this point.

    And this is a farewell battle ( i didnt know the english name you called this; need to look to the rules :))

    the attacker cannot know this; he thinked that its a good strategy and a nice trap. thats all ok.
    If we have evidences that the attacker could know this, it would be pushing, and he would punished with resource penalties.
    But we dont see this (at this moment) here. We will also check this.

    Sure, all battles where players ending there game "life" later, could be handled as farewell battles, but we think that 5sec could be enough to save a fleet.

  • Für einen erfahrenen Spieler wie dr Faust wäre ein Save in 5 Sekunden lächerlich einfach gewesen.

    Allerdings sehe ich den Fehler nicht bei teodore, und soweit mich mein Englisch trägt, tut das die Crew auch nicht.

    Also alles ok.

  • Dschi - but this is the risk every attacker makes when flying next to stronger opponnents.

    Quote from Dschi

    he has admit that he dont want to escape (5sec escape) if some one attacks him because he dont want to play anymore.

    Try to make an escape flight with 5 sec time.
    Know also that you need to save all of you fleet that you builded in years, and this may be the end of game for you if you will not make it.
    Thats not that simple in such situation anyway... some may say its pointless.

    Anyway thanks for answer.

    We're part of a story, part of a tale
    Sometimes beautiful and sometimes ... insane