building buildings has never been my strategy.
    valid strategy for the short term
    unfortunately the game has lost a lot of interest and in the long term the strategy has proved to be harmful due to lack of game.
    but research is necessary to consolidate the investments made
    on armaments. I therefore agree to speed up the time for research development

    I do not understand your decision
    if you meant to stop the game you would have to destroy what you built with your own hands ...
    instead you exit the game as a loser.... giving merit (right) to others ..
    you're right the game is not as it used to be, but many beginners still play
    managing to have fun ..

    respect anyway your decision ... I understand from the comments that you have a family .. greetings and prosperity


    <p>AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH</p><p>i'm not God, but i'm not a stupid man. you are not fair in this moment. If you don't want to believe me, no problems. </p><p>Write to GO to check me and And1234 and what ever you want. We will see if you are right or not.</p><p>You seems me a child in this moment. As you want.</p><p><br></p><p>So, i just tell you: GOOD RECONSTRUCTIN <a class="jsSmiley" data-smiley-code=":D" data-smiley-path=""><img src="" alt=":D"></a></p>

    hihihi come al solito ... le campane quando sono rotte suonano male...

    come dici? scrivi in inglese ... no!!! scrivo in italiano e ne sono orgoglioso.... tanto vorrebbero vedere scritto cio che loro vorrebbero leggere .. e credimi non capirebbero qualunque cosa che non rispecchi il loro pensiero in qualunque lingua esso sia scritto.....