• Hi.

    I already stated that we are open for discussion and that it would be great if all can stop and we discuss.

    Why should only NATO stop attacks but the other attacks are still ongoing to BR.
    Our attacks seems to be treated as illegal.

    Why I am responsible for downfall of the game?
    Shall I delete what I have built up since 2009?

    You are not seeing the skype chats and we were always friendly also during the war between those alliances and BR.

    We were also patient and always there to talk.

    While we talked the alliances took 900 castles from BR and did not stop

    Wow really nice...

    What would you do?
    Just watch the slaughter of friends?

    We talk talk talk talk but there was no result...


    ID 255 in World 1 Damoria
    ID 171 in World 2 Damoria

    Ein Bier ist kein Bier.
    Wer zwei trinkt, kann auch drei trinken.
    Nach drei Bier, hol ich mir doch noch ein Viertes.
    Ach komm, was ist schon ein Sixpack.
    Hmm der leere Kasten ist mein Kopfkissen.
    Heute kauf ich mir eine Brauerei.

    Edited once, last by Hochstedter ().

  • Ich lese das hier schon eine ganze Weile, und ich muss sagen, der diesen krieg geplant hat, hat genauso viel Fähigkeiten wie die brittischen Politiker!... wenn ich mir diesen Vergleich erlauben darf.

    Ich habe ganz einfach mal in das Profil der nato geschaut, und was sehe ich da?... verbündet mit den Holländern!!! 8o 8o 8o

    Also sollte doch normal sein, dass sich Nato verpflichtet fühlt etwas zu unternehemen.

    Im Bezug auf das Profil wäre ich aber Vorsichtig, nicht immer wird alles veröffentlicht.

    ... viel Spass weiterhin bei der Diskusion

  • Oh it's bad for the game when members from JendrzejGroup are under attack, becoase it's possible that they will leave the game? most players from BR are playing the game since 2009 like me. but destroying us, so plaayers from BR wil leave is not a problem?

  • That is the point, Homer. Nato is connected to all and everyone. So you can no longer attack without having to deal with Nato and LGH. They control what fights can take place, or better not take place.

  • Das hätte mal lieber der "Planer" bedacht!
    Es steht doch jeder Allainz frei sich zu verbünden mit wem Sie will.

    Nach den ganzen Texten hier vermute ich mal, es wurde sich einfach der falsche Gegner ausgesucht.

    Wenn ich mir die Kriegserklärung anschaue, war das von den Punkten her auch nicht gerade "Fair"... Von den Truppen hab ich keine Ahnung.

    Ich denke auch das es darauf ankommt, wie man einen krieg gestalltet, und wie man eine Kriegserklärung auch an den Gegner heranbringt. Wenn dies natürlich nur über das Forum geschieht(was ich nicht weiss), und sofort angriffe beginnen, ist dieser Stil nicht Ehrenwert.

    Das sich da ein "Partner"einlinkt finde ich normal.

    Das Nato ein "übergewicht" hat, ist doch nicht erst seit 2 Monaten bekannt, oder?

    Edited once, last by Homer ().

  • But JG union wants to fight Nato. Didn't you read that? But Nato does not want to fight without LGH. And LGH didn't mind attacks on BR at first. Only after that BR, the 7th biggest alliance of Damoria with years without war and the possibility to build troops, didn't last for more than a few days they got upset.
    Read what Beule writes about BR. in this topic. It is said they lost 900 castles. But those were not all taken. The castles of the active ones were mostly demolished. Even sending some fake attacks was enough. The castles of the inactives were taken. If you do not know the game you played for years, if you do not know how to defend, how to attack , how to conquer in a war game ...... what did you do?

    Edited once, last by Juflo ().

  • So... we're friends with everyone and JG and their union wants to war us instead of sitting down at the table and talking? They want to go to war with only NATO like they pick and choose which alliances they want to fight when they go against a union.

    Is it possible to talk logically at a negotiations table with these guys?

    For crying out loud, the JG leader asked me in a private conversation what my in game name is...
    Can anybody here answer that question for him? I'll give you a hint, follow the arrow.

    Lord Dragoon <----

  • But JG union wants to fight Nato. Didn't you read that? But Nato does not want to fight without LGH.

    Tut mir leid, aber das sind kämpfe die mich nichts angehen, deswegen sage ich dazu nichts.
    Ich spiele seit 10 jahren damoria, bin seit anbeginn der Welt hier vertreten. Das dieses "geflecht" aus beiden Allys besteht ist mir seit Jahren bewusst/bekannt. Mich wundert nur, dass ich anscheinend der einzige bin.

    Ich hoffe der Planer dieses Krieges hat auch jedes szenario bis zum ende durchdacht, und scheitert nicht schon am anfang ;)

    ... weiterhin viel Spass, ihr macht das schon. Ich linke mich wieder aus aus der Diskusion.

  • But JG union wants to fight Nato. Didn't you read that? But Nato does not want to fight without LGH. And LGH didn't mind attacks on BR at first. Only after that BR, the 7th biggest alliance of Damoria with years without war and the possibility to build troops, didn't last for more than a few days they got upset.
    Read what Beule writes about BR. in this topic. It is said they lost 900 castles. But those were not all taken. The castles of the active ones were mostly demolished. Even sending some fake attacks was enough. The castles of the inactives were taken. If you do not know the game you played for years, if you do not know how to defend, how to attack , how to conquer in a war game ...... what did you do?

    You guys have been NATO this, NATO that, blah blah blah. It goes on and on and on about how NATO sets the rules for the server and none of that seemed to be an issue until JG started a war with a smaller alliance with its union and when JG gets attacked here comes the whining about killing the game and how Hoch is responsible for the downfall of the game, etc. etc.

    Maybe we should charitable and start handing out diapers to the ones whining about not getting their way. You start a war, you accept full responsibility for what follows whether you're victorious, get wiped out or end up biting off more than you could chew.

    Don't want to fight? Don't fight, it's simple, right?

  • I do not know if I understood correctly what happens
    Several alliances come together to attack a smaller one, and everything is great, no problem, it's ok.
    Several alliances attack those alliances and surprise, or my god is the end of the world, the end of damoria, are killing the game
    A lot of hypocrisy I see here

  • the attacks have come. many have withdrawn their attacks. many like to attack in the night bonus. It's time to start the war.

    Lord Dragon - Do not insult me and my players.
    when top 1 is afraid of a war with a small alliance, it means that it is not worth top 1

  • i followed the arrow, but i cannot find someone called noogarD droL :/

  • the attacks have come. many have withdrawn their attacks. many like to attack in the night bonus. It's time to start the war.

    Lord Dragon - Do not insult me and my players.
    when top 1 is afraid of a war with a small alliance, it means that it is not worth top 1

    I am not afraid my friend. In the function of a diplomat I have to talk :)

    But ok. It seems you like to see me just on the battlefield and not talking.

    So from now on I will stop talking here. :)

    Goodbye and happy new year

    ID 255 in World 1 Damoria
    ID 171 in World 2 Damoria

    Ein Bier ist kein Bier.
    Wer zwei trinkt, kann auch drei trinken.
    Nach drei Bier, hol ich mir doch noch ein Viertes.
    Ach komm, was ist schon ein Sixpack.
    Hmm der leere Kasten ist mein Kopfkissen.
    Heute kauf ich mir eine Brauerei.

    Edited once, last by Hochstedter ().

  • the attacks have come. many have withdrawn their attacks. many like to attack in the night bonus. It's time to start the war.

    Lord Dragon - Do not insult me and my players (I'm doing that just fine on my own).
    when top 1 is afraid of a war with a small alliance, it means that it is not worth top (I say that after I prove how brave I am when I have to use a union to attack a smaller alliance).

    Did I strike a nerve? Have I offended you by putting my name in bold, enlarged and in a colored font? I was just trying to make it easy for you since you obviously couldn't see it above my profile pic. I was making it as simple as I could for you but I guess I shouldn't expect you to understand that.

    Which of your members have I insulted? If you guys are insulted because I said something about we should be charitable and start passing out diapers to the whiners then you're just as guilty as I am about insulting your members because you're admitting that your members are whiners since I named none of them in my post but pointed out that there were whiners in this thread.

  • you are such a small player and unknown because I asked. It was not an important question to write here. do not write about it.

    Here we talk about situation in war .

    Ouch. My feelings are hurt now. :(

    Speaking of small players though, how long have you been playing and you only have 195 billion points? I'm a returning player who is known after years of being away and am still remembered by old guildmates and allies. What do I care if you know who I am or not? To me, you're nobody but you're fun to laugh at.

    I do think that I struck a nerve and offended you. I can get you a box of tissues to make up for it if you want? I really didn't mean to hurt your little feelings and all. Maybe you could try being a little less sensitive?

  • Why I think you are responsible? first of all not just you, but also other players from the big alliances. you all are responsible with how the game is working now. WIth alle the bonds, between the alliances. and you have a big say in what NATO is doing, just like other players.

    You could have forseen that als the bonds and pacts is not good for a war game.

    And attacking a smaller alliances with way more troops and with help from another top 3 alliance. And most of all just targeting a few from that alliance. Isn't that the whole thing you thought the war against BR wasn't a fair fight? And now you are doing the same but just bigger.

    You could also sent support to BR so the attackes could not win any fights. If this was the scenario the BR players wouldn't have lost that many troops and castles and the attackers would have backed off.

    But my main reason of my message is not this war. I really think that the game is destroyed by all the bonds and pacts and especially from the biggest alliances.

    I'm not asking you to destroy your account what you build up for many years. Nothing but repect to get that many castles and troops. The strange part of the new rules is that we can never get that many castles, so we can never have your troopproduction and you will always be one of the bigger players. But that is not your fault, but from the new rules.

    You say that I don't know what is discussed in the council.
    But why is that? Why not all alliances have a member in the council. All alliances and players are important is this game.

    I have a few questions.
    1. are you (NATO, LGH, KN and other big alliances) happy with a war game without wars?
    2. Do you have fun as the biggest players without any competition/pressure/planning and a occasional win?

    I think we should get into action and this should be done soon and a the war of this moment should not be a reason not to start now.
    And ALL alliances should be a part of this with equal votes!

    I hope everybody will see the bigger picture of what I mean.

  • We can keep discussing this but it all comes down to one rather complex problem:

    In the past (GE2 for me) almost all alliances were still growing at a similar rate and it was possible to start a fair fight because the alliances had almost the same amount of points. This is not the case anymore because some players (including me) stopped playing for a year or more and got behind what lead to this unequal situation. How do we solve this? We don't because it's impossible.

    So, what can we do then?
    1) Fight anyway which will lead to the downfall of a big union -> someone ends on top and starts "ruling the game" and we're back in the same situation as we are now. NATO didn't become the biggest alliance by just playing farmera, they actually won a big war.

    2) Play farmera which made me stop playing this game.

    3) We can sit arround the table WITH the game developers and start building a system that makes a war fair again; this will be game changing though. For example (these are just some ideas so don't destroy them but please try to think how we can make them better):

    Declaring a war schould be officially implemented in the game. Declaring war can only be possible if the sides differ a certain amount of points (max 1.5:1 for example). After this war declaration, other alliances won't be able to intervene in this fight so it stays fair.
    The war is won when a side lost "30-40%" of it's points. After that, that side can't be attacked any more and will get an attack protection of a certain time (3 months, example). This way, the lost side can regain strength and try to avenge his attacker after the attack protection.

    A side can contain multiple alliances or individual players. The only problem is that this has to be registered or there will be problems, that's where the game developers come in handy.

    I don't really see another solution. The game grew too big and implementing both worlds kinda caused this problem to be honest. There has to be rules that can put this game on it's rails again like it was in the times of DLL and the Russians and after that Jendrzej&co. At the moment it's just one big mess where people are playing the (yes-no-yes-no) game. So pls stop the attacks, try to sit arround the table in that skype council thingy you guys have, try to add some game developers to see what is possible and save the game!

    Kind regards,

  • BigPoint did try something years ago where they tried to make PvP more balanced by making it so you could only fight other people with around the same troop strength as you, I think it was within about a 10 - 25% range. The idea was decent but it failed miserably and I can only imagine how full their inbox was because after they implemented it one alliance declared war on the entire server to prove that it didn't work and the biggest players were still able to attack smaller and weaker players simply by dropping their troop strength. The protection they implemented was removed within a couple of days of being introduced.