Hallo ;) So habe ich deine Kommentare gelesen. Leider wird die Situation im Spiel auch durch zu wenige Administratoren in der Vergangenheit verursacht. Tatsächlich war dschibait für alle technischen Belange verantwortlich.

    Ich erinnere mich, wie alle Welten miteinander verbunden waren – ein sehr schwieriger Vorgang, aber er war erfolgreich. Unter strategischen Aspekten habe ich alle Spieler meiner Allianz auf einem Kontinent platziert – was die Zusammenarbeit perfekt machte.

    In kürzester Zeit begann ich einen Krieg mit den Russen. Ich fand kooperationswillige Bündnisse (darunter ein deutsches Bündnis, das den Krieg mit der Behauptung verließ, die Russen würden eine illegale Armee aufbauen).

    Dann stellten wir trotz der Erfolge auf dem Schlachtfeld fest, dass die Russen Taktiken anwendeten, die das Militär außer Acht ließen. Zum Beispiel 100 Millionen Pferde über eine Böschung ohne Bögen schicken.

    Ich habe die Spanier (LGH) um Unterstützung für mein Kapital gebeten. Vieles davon kam. Ich fühlte mich zuversichtlich. Aber nach ein paar verzweifelten Angriffen auf meine Hauptstadt zogen sie auch ihre Unterstützung zurück, da sie nicht gegen die illegale Armee kämpfen wollten.

    Dann kam der größte Durchbruch und die größte Verzögerung seitens der Verwaltung. Über Skype erhielt ich von den Russen die Information, dass es besser sei, die Burg zu zerstören. Sie schrieben, dass die Anzahl der Truppen egal sei, wie viele ich habe. Dann entdeckte ich, dass sie Schlösser austauschten, als ich die russische Armee reduzierte.

    Ich habe mit der Verwaltung gesprochen und ihnen direkt gesagt, dass die Russen die Schlösser austauschen und so eine illegale Armee aufstellen würden. Es hat mich hart getroffen, dass so viele Jahre, in denen ich Geld für das Spiel ausgegeben habe, den Bach runter gegangen sind. dann hat es mir mein Onkel erzählt. David wacht auf. Mit diesem Spiel soll Geld verdient werden. Die Russen verdienen nicht so viel wie der Westen. Sie bauen eine illegale Armee auf und wir investieren in das Spiel, um diese Lücke zu schließen. Als die Russen bereits 80 % oder mehr unserer Soldaten getötet hatten und wir das Spiel verlassen wollten, geschah ein Wunder. Onkel (Emcio) hat sein Schloss verloren und vergessen, die Unterstützung zurückzuziehen. Er sah, dass die Armee nicht getötet wurde. Nach der Rückeroberung der Burg konnte er seine Verluste wiedergutmachen.

    Doch dann war das Problem mit der Armee plötzlich behoben. Plötzlich konnte man im Spiel alle Accounts überprüfen, bei denen es zu einer unnatürlichen Aufstockung der Armee kam. Warum konnte das vorher nicht gemacht werden? Immerhin haben wir Datum und Uhrzeit angegeben und welche Spieler die Schlösser ausgetauscht haben. Schließlich gab es offensichtlich unnatürliche Aufstockungen in der Armee.

    Ich verstehe, wenn dieser Fehler nur für kurze Zeit anhielt. Aber das dauerte viele Monate. Viele Monate wurden berichtet. Das Ergebnis war, dass die Russen mehr Polen als mich eliminierten. Dann führte die Strafe dazu, dass andere Spieler gingen. Letztlich verließen fast alle Polen und Russen das Spiel.

    Was Ihren aktuellen Krieg betrifft: Wenn Sie ihn beenden, beenden Sie wahrscheinlich das Leben des Spiels ;)

    Die Welt zu verbinden ist völlig sinnlos, weil in der neuen Welt nicht mehrere Leute spielen. Im Gespräch mit Polen aus der neuen Welt wird in den kommenden Tagen jeder das Spiel beenden.


    We are an international alliance made of veterans this game and new players starting their adventure with Damoria. Our goal is to create an alliance in a nice atmosphere, for spend nice evenings with a beer ;)
    if you like to fight, you want to conquer damoria, come to us

    Nous sommes une alliance internationale composée de vétérans de ce jeu et de nouveaux joueurs commençant leur aventure avec Damoria. Notre but est de créer une alliance dans une ambiance sympa, pour passer de belles soirées autour d\\\'une bière ;)
    Si tu aimes te battre, tu veux conquérir damoria, viens chez nous

    Wir sind eine internationale Allianz aus Veteranen dieses Spiels und neuen Spielern, die ihr Abenteuer mit Damoria beginnen. Unser Ziel ist es, in netter Atmosphäre ein Bündnis zu schaffen, um schöne Abende bei einem Bier zu verbringen ;)
    Wenn du gerne kämpfst, Damoria erobern willst, komm zu uns

    Jesteśmy międzynarodowym sojuszem złożonym z weteranów tej gry oraz nowych graczy rozpoczynających swoją przygodę z Damorią. Naszym celem jest stworzenie sojuszu w miłej atmosferze, do spędzenia miłych wieczorów przy piwku ;)
    jeśli lubisz walczyć, chcesz podbijać damorię to przyjdź do nas

    Somos una alianza internacional formada por veteranos de este juego y nuevos jugadores que comienzan su aventura con Damoria. Nuestro objetivo es crear una alianza en un ambiente agradable, para pasar agradables veladas con una cerveza ;)
    si te gusta pelear, quieres conquistar a damoria, ven con nosotros

    Somos uma aliança internacional formada por veteranos deste jogo e novos jogadores que aspiram a sua aventura com Damoria. Nosso objetivo é criar uma aliança em um ambiente agradável, para passar agradáveis veladas com uma cerveja ;)
    si te gusta pelear, quieres conquistar a damoria, ven con nosotros

    Jsme mezinárodní aliance složená z veteránů hry a nových hráčů, kteří začínají své dobrodružství s Damorií. Naším cílem je vytvořit alianci v příjemné atmosféře, strávit hezké večery u piva ;)
    pokud rádi bojujete, chcete dobýt damorii, přijďte k nám

    Siamo un alleanza internazionale composta da veterani di questo gioco e nuovi giocatori che iniziano la loro avventura con Damoria. Il nostro obiettivo è creare un 'alleanza in una bella atmosfera, per trascorrere belle serate con una birra ;)
    se ti piace combattere, vuoi conquistare la damoria, vieni da noi

    Biz bu oyunun kıdemlilerinden ve Damoria ile maceralarına başlayan yeni oyunculardan oluşan uluslararası bir ittifakız. Amacımız güzel bir atmosferde bir bira eşliğinde güzel akşamlar geçirmek için bir birliktelik yaratmak ;)
    Dövüşmeyi seviyorsan, Damoria \'yı fethetmek istiyorsan, bize gel.

    Why do the top two qualifiers meet each other in the semi-finals? it shouldn't be that only the finals are fighting with each other (if they beat other rivals in the ladder) It seems that it is better to take 3-6th place than second. because the 3-6th place guarantees the best opponentin the final.
    the first round in the ladder is great. that is, the best meets the worst, and so on.

    If someone, for example, transfers the army from castle to castle, I think such a function would be great. I don't think it would be a problem to implement it in damoria.

    Hallo. Ich bin ins Spiel gekommen, weil ich Informationen bekommen habe, dass viel los ist ;)

    aber meine Stimmung verbesserte sich, als ich sah, wer gebannt wurde. Interessanterweise haben diese Leute vor einem Jahr geschrieben, "Wie kann man illegal Spielen das ist verboten

    " und viele solche Beleidigungen

    Ich habe viele Schlösser durch die Urotsukidoi verloren. Ich habe viel Geld für Burgen und die Armee ausgegeben. Und er hat es mit seinem illegalen Militär zerstört.

    2 beispielhafte Kämpfe. wo die Urotsukidoi über 6 Milliarden meiner Späher zerstörten


    Sieh dir nur die Hall of Fame an. Und Sie können sehen, wie viele meiner und Ostry Truppen er zerstört hat.

    if the player accepts the challenge. Supports will be withdrawn from both players automatically. The fight continues until one of both players clicks "end duel" - usually the losing person will probably do it :)

    after the end of the duel, the player cannot receive support for 2 days - so that someone did not send attacks.

    someone will finish the duel an hour before he comes and keep the castles at use support other players.

    in this way players who want to fight could do it without confusing players who don't want to fight.

    in the past, no one wanted to fight someone one on one. because no one trusted the other that he would not receive the support of other players.

    yeah jendrezj all the time knows how it works; but breakes the rules like no one else do it in the game... 2 points which you cant reject and which no one want to bring up.

    finally, i wrote to you that you can go out of capitulation only TO HEAL troops.
    i have not a problem (like i wrote here) to defende yourself, but when we see that you start attacking active against other players, this will be the last part in that game for you. Also in other worlds.

    we returned from surrender at 10pm we didn't attack ANYONE.

    we woke up in the morning without a few castles. Urotsukidoi player took them. until the uro attacks we didn't do any aggression.
    we don't want to attack anyone who doesn't attack us.

    we thought it was better to come back from surrender. be able to break up the whole army and finish playing ;)

    now it will be interesting for you. All major alliances have systems with each other. all have ally.

    another funny situation. most of the big players have a castles limit;) so they can't even be as if they wanted to destroy other big players.

    in a moment another 2 players will crash the whole army;) it's like domino blocks.

    in war game will be peace for whole time . You will see this effect for yourself ;)

    many people don't like me here but I was at least their motivation to grow.
    the greatest enthusiasm for the game always gave the enemy you wanted to destroy. it's like a cat chasing a mouse.

    now you will have asituation how in program excel.

    who will spend more will have larger numbers in the game.

    connecting worlds won't help much because they are still the same people.

    the only rescue for the game is the introduction of newer graphics and good advertising. later very good internet advertising.

    I see a problem with this...
    What if these players start attacking and take castles from other players?
    Suggest they take them in the last hours of their 'free of capitulation' and they are placed back into capitulation after the 14 days, there is no way to get those castles back?
    That doesn't seems fair to me...

    you always have a problem hahaha

    From previous ideas that I once gave. the ability to add combat to the combat simulator. the ability to show the fight to other players have been realized. Players are very happy with this update.
    Admins did a good job.

    I think it's worth writing new ideas for development this game.

    below is a small list of my ideas that could spice up the game ;)

    1. do weekly tasks to do - for example, week one. send a specific number of markets. week two send a specific number of attacks.
    various bonuses for completed tasks. for example, accelerating the production of raw materials / army.

    2. create a world where new players would start. for example, there would be speed for building army castles x 2.

    the player after completing specific tasks - teaching game mechanics would have the opportunity to enter the world 1

    3. add a feature for recommending the game. for example for 5-10 players acquired who meet the requirements (for example I achieve specific points / army) the player who recommended gets a bonus (for example gold)

    4. discord chat has become very popular in games https://discordapp.com

    most of the big games started using it. players have a very easy way to communicate with each other. makes it possible to attract new players.

    5. as we have the "big map" tab to give an even larger map to choose from. sometimes it would improve, for example, sending attacks on bandit camps

    6. now we have that by attacking the enemy we gain some of the resources, not as it was 100%. this was to help players not attack non-active players from their own alliances - for the benefit. enough to do that as a player any player will lose at least 10-50 million troops. the aggressor gets 100% resources. As players have greater losses it means that this is not an inactive attack. there would be no such situation that the aggressor cannot attack because he has no resources ;)

    7. for example, give in-game messages with the option of,receiving gold for helping translate new game features into specific languages. I think the translator will not do it better like players who use given languages. it would be nice to have everything in one language.

    8. create something on the example of alliance structures - research that can develop an alliance with, for example, raw materials. would increase the production of the army's raw materials. strengthened shafts. players from the alliance could send resources for this purpose. Alliance leaders could decide what to develop first.

    9. sometimes create an event like that for example for 5 hours the army moves 2-3 times faster. players would sometimes visit damoria to see if a new event had appeared.

    10. give the opportunity to use witches in Baldur.

    11. we can do castle tests to improve the quality of troops. giving the opportunity to exchange crystals for gold. And how to add new studies? for example after study to increase the speed of markets

    12. adding a new building - which would give the opportunity to hide the army in castle for a limited time. this would help smaller players defend. Giving new variants of defense

    13. for example, make a bonus for liking damoria on facebook. for example, a specific amount of gold. The more funpage he likes, the greater the chance that it will display to new potential players.

    14. give the opportunity to build a granary over 100 lvl. I think it would help destroy the castles.

    15. castles with less than 900 sites for construction give the opportunity to re-buy 10% of sites. Currently, players are at such a stage of development that castles below 900 seats are generally much less valuable than they were once. that would increase the goal of not destroying them. Now we can increase the space by 10% once. add the second option

    16. 3. new types of troops. For example: kamikaze, slinger (using a slingshot) , Archer on a horse, Nobleman

    17. this idea is rather difficult to implement but certainly it would attract new players. playing fights in simulation. Fights would have their appearance. instead of just numbers now. (in the settings it would be possible to stick to the numbers only)

    1.you don't know who got the blockade for what reason. Administrators and probably people who got blocked know this. and some write here as if they knew everything.

    2. this topic would be a discussion about changes in the regulations. Many posts are off topic.

    Back to the topic.

    I remember how much players wrote. Remove the Russians.they cheat. The game will be better without them. It's better game now ? it's much worse. However, they were avid war fanatics. Players who could not sleep for several nights to fight. I have fought them more than once in the game and we were friends in real life.

    I remember the war with the Russians. These were the best moments I had in damoria. When their leaders were blocked, what happened?
    Now there are no great Russian alliances (damoria used to be famous for these alliances) I remember a few blockades to Portuguese leaders. Where are the Portuguese Great Alliances?
    One of the most die-hard nations in the game were Russians and Poles. That's why we often fought.

    looking at the current war is very boring. Several players are fighting. do you want such wars? The three largest alliances have made the Union. Don't you think it breaks damoria? many of my friends stopped playing because they were bored. It wasn't these wars anymore.

    changes in the game were a plus regarding capability and military strength. This stopped many destroyed players in the game.

    many write about the new better damoria. Have you seen the game statistics? how many active players are there? there are no 100,000 players or more. and some write like that. there are really very few players left. many of which play sporadically.

    people who write the most hide their personality. this is not about 3 players. it's about a lot more players. The same situation as was the case with the Russians. if damoria is a better game without us Poles then OK. I understand your opinion.

    as for the changes in the regulations, I think the best changes were proposed by Seguin Loic (chemilla in forum)

    @vanmorris all changes are not good for you. you are always criticizing everything. Nothing suits you. Think about it sometimes before you write something.
    when are new changes are I wait just when you give a message in forum :D