Yes We have been in the same alliance. And you know we tried to find out information there and shared it on the alliance forum. That you could not find this information in your current alliance is a major loss. But I don't think it's the job of the owner of the game to explain this lack to you. If he wants it to be known, he must communicate it to everyone, for example in an explanation of the game. Not in an answer to one person in this forum.

    Believe it or not, I found our old forum ( ) and managed to log in to it :D
    Let's see if I can find further information there. :)

    @alucard, pls don't :D

    Ah nice to hear you again Juflo, I think we even were in the same alliance if I remember correctly. You're Dutch right?

    I'm playing this game for 10 years now, got completely destroyed in GE2, started again after some years, then played, stopped again and now I'm back again for a year or so. I knew the rules on how the battle stuff was working, yet it seemed they were changed, but apparently not. So yes I ask here how it works, and apparently I'm not the only one that could use this information.

    Ok, so the archers attacks first, and they managed to deal the 25% of the damage to the attacker, why is it that the attacker is not running away but still attacking the other defense forces?

    Suppose the attacker attacks with 100mil cavalry and the defender has 200mil archers and 100mil armored cavalry:
    The archers attack first and can deal the 25% damage, yet the attacker is not running away but keeps attacking those 100mil armored cavalry. What's the use of the archers then if the attacker keeps attacking anyway?

    Ok good, it's clear now and I understand how it works! Thanks!

    So the attacker can do his damage which is good. In case of the cavalry, it can do (for example) 1000 units * (130 (base attack strength) + 3*26 (extra laboratory strenght)) = attack strength of 208.000

    but now the defender which was light infantry, axemen, archers, knights templars, armored cavalry and paladin: 1000*(15+3*2) + 1000*(40+3*2) + 1000*(50+3*10) + 1000*(80+3*16) + 1000*(200+3*40) + 1000*(100+3*20)= 755.000

    208.000 is more than 25% of 755.000 so the defender flees. Now I understand.
    Still it doesn't feel logic in my opinion, can't we work something out that the attacker and defender start fighting at the same time in stead of first the attacker and then the defender? At the moment the attacker has an insane advantage over the defender, eventhough the defender spend way more troops defending his castle. I'm not a fan of the idea that 800 defending units have the same effect as 6000 defending units on the attacker.

    Ok now we're getting somewhere:
    I'm just going to answer inside the quote :)

    All the things you just summed up isn't about this subject at all, pls anwer on the question.
    If you're 100% sure the simulator works as it schould, good! Yet I don't agree on some things with it. For example, a battle is way too fast a draw when both forces have their surrender setting at 25%.
    Do you wanna look into that? if the answer is yes, good! Then we can discuss further how we can change it.
    If the answer is no, at least give us all te information on how the simulator works so we know what we're doing.

    I'm not offending you buddy, I just wanna make the game better as you do. You never know if there is a bug in the simulator that has been there for 10 years. I just ask you to look into it and come with a solution I wrote above.

    Hello guys,

    I've been playing with the battle simulator and some things doesn't make sense at all to me.
    Suppose both attacker and defender have everything build to max (3x20, etc) and both have their surrender setting at 25%:
    The attacker attacks with 100 mil. cavalry and the defender has 100 mil. heavy cavalry -> it's a draw and both lose 25% of their troops. that's logic in my opinion.

    But now, the attacker attacks with the same amount, but the defender now has 100 mil of light infantry, axemen, archers, knights templars, armored cavalry and paladin. -> The battle still ends in a draw eventhough the defender outnumbers the enemy 6:1, and both sides lose 25% of their troops. which means the defender loses a lot more. In fact, it even loses so much, that 1 cavalry unit could kill 1.25 units while the cavalry was actually outnumbered 6vs1. This is not realistic at all and really schouldn't be possible in my opinion.

    If the defender puts it's surrender setting on 50% it suddenly wins the battle and loses almost nothing compared to the 25% setting. But when the attacker puts it at 50% as well, the attackers still loses the battle and only being able to kill 0.822 units with 1 cavalry unit. Where is the logic in this again?

    A battle is just a gamble at the moment on how you have to set your surrender setting in stead of actually fighting with the troops you have.

    So, is it possible this can be changed? If not, I want a detailed report on how the battle simulator works so we can calculate it properly ourselves, if necessary, just give me the coding and I'm fine with it. But now it's way too complicated and not even realistic at all.

    I don't wanna sound rude, but you need to work on your English communication then. You said in the damoria mail this: "There are value “jumps” from the step range 1-20, 21-50 and over 50."

    You just stated that there are only jumps at lvl 21 and 51. Why do you mail us that there are over lvl 50 some jumps as well?
    Step range 1-20 means that at lvl 21 there is a jump, 21-50 means another jump at lvl 51, and over 50 we schould just forget then?

    If we have to try out what you are trying to say to see we understood you correctly... well ehm, let me just put it this way; that's not very professional. ;)

    we look into many cases and we saw many times that players raise up the wall and no one can handle this. With this the wall is still important but not the main functionallity.

    if we got more numbers here we can also adjust this :)

    An what about the value "jumps" over level 50? :)

    Yep, I do like the new update as well! But it would be nice if we could know the value "jumps" of the wall above level 50. :)

    Making the wall weaker for a contested castle is a good idea as well, but is -95% not a bit too much? :)

    what? a multi acount is defined by his name... 1 player can play 1 account in a world ... not more ...

    I'm not going to call any names, but there are a decent amount of players that controll more than one account on the same server. You might wanna investigate this a bit better. ;)

    I fully support these ideas! :D
    As you said Dschibait, this schould already have been implemented. :)

    Yet I don't think it's a good idea for relocating your secondary castles ones a month. That would take too long if you took over an inactive player that had +-10 castles. :)

    this many of this attackers (aggrassors) are still in top 50 and still attakable by most of top players (like before). Smallers players are now safe that this pl players can't attack them.
    This is what players want in that war discussion thread.

    I can't attack the agressors in c29 anymore while I was actually having succes taking over castles or demolishing them. Thank you for not being able to attack them anymore :thumbdown:

    I am not a supporter or opponent of Polish players. But. The probability of this is <10%.
    я не сторонник и не противник Польских игроков. Но. Вероятность этого < 10%.

    Yet she has a point that money is more and more important in this game. I've seen multiple people building there walls from 0 -> 80 in a couple of minutes for example.