• hello...here the retirees themselves play the success of escape is with 30%

    it was necessary to delete the account and not write that I have 5 sec but not podniose because I would not pick up the fleet .

    Edited once, last by Corsi ().

    • Official Post

    i also dont like this "end game action" ... but its done and we need to handle it.

    5sec with a 100% knowledge of what you want to escape flight is possible; you know that.
    Sure, its a stress situation and maybe he could "fail" but now we need to decide on facts what "could" be happend here.

    Can you 100% proove that this both players has no contract to get this fleet ? No!
    so, on facts (ingame) and basicly this post whats prove this facts ingame, we need to accept that he dont want to escape.

  • Can you 100% proove that this both players has no contract to get this fleet ? No!
    so, on facts (ingame) and basicly this post whats prove this facts ingame, we need to accept that he dont want to escape.

    Every law is based on fact, that you need to prove a guilty of someone - not his innocence.
    Can you prove that those players had a contract ingame to do this - Yes or no ? Facts not guesses.

    Is a litle bit of strange for me if they would want to do it this way, - instead standart BR, and writting anything about it here like this farewell thread.
    This makes no sense at all if someone wanted to cheat ?( - dont you think ?

    If team want's to give judgment's on queses, this may end up badly for the game and all players ...

    We're part of a story, part of a tale
    Sometimes beautiful and sometimes ... insane

    • Official Post

    yes i can proove .. you didnt read this thread?

    The creater wrote that he want to finish this game like he do it. So its a forbidden action;
    What do you think should we do? Blocking an player who wants to leave this game?

    Not such a good idea. We need to handle this likle a farewell battle; these are not allowed because we didnt know what they are may contracting or what happend;

    mariusz you want to discuss if its allowed to have farewell battles, i dont want to do this.

  • It's not like that.

    I was concerned that you wanted to punish players for not trying to save fleet when he had less than 5 sec.
    This is very strange behavior for me if team want to go this way.

    The rest is not that important if intercepting player did not know about those farewell plans of his target. For him its the same battle as others then.
    Of course - if they made an agrement ingame about this - you are right here.

    I dont like to discuss about farewell battles, i dont want them them same as you here.

    We're part of a story, part of a tale
    Sometimes beautiful and sometimes ... insane

    • Official Post

    we reset only the battle; the player has no punishment - it has handled as the battle was not done.

    There are a difference between, trying it and failing and writing to there allies that they dont want to try it.
    this is a farewell situation.

    You know our tools and situation marius :) the team wouldn't decide this way if we have no evidences.

  • But what about the situation where attacking player prepared a trap for a long time... He didn't contact defeated player and there was no agreement.
    Defender failed to escape flight a wrote this post just for excuse for his fail ??? Is it possible? Yes of course. So experienced player also make mistakes and hand shakes when you have so little time to save years of your activity.
    The perfect excuse is to state that you were bored and bla bla bla bla...... To pretend that you were not shot and you generously let someone to hit you. So you end game undefeated.

    The attacker was rewarded for his eforts and now you are going to restet the battle and take it back.

    If you do this then everyone will make a post like this on forum and revenge on the attacker.

    If you don't have any evidence of their agreement you simply can't do the reset. His post here is no evidence. It is one sides statement. Ask the second one before you do something.

  • Try to make an escape flight with 5 sec time.

    Well, it's pretty easy actually, what's wrong ?

    Let's take a look at the facts: Dr.Faust (former TOP 1 ?) is falling in a such (obvious) trap: someone (not an acquaintancie of Dr.Faust) send him a message that Mr.Mojo's fleet (good friend of TEODORE since a lot of time) is 17 solar system away from him and that he is OFFLINE.
    Well, Dr.Faust then does an insane thing that only a fool would do: Launching all of his fleet (Including Destroyers which slowdown his fleet so bad) 17 solar systems away on TEODORE's friend even if there are 2 UGOF roids in the area and TEODORE 3 systems away from him...

    Second INSANE FACT: Dr.Faust Colonized with ALL of his remaining fleet (8 m fleetpoints) on a planet withtout doing any Astroport... TEODORE hit a second time, and probably let a part of rubble to some of his UGOF friends...
    If it's not a fleet donation, then tell me what it is srsly...

    +It's not the first unfair action from TEODORE, I remember some time ago already that one of his friend called KACPER got banned because he used a trick with ressources during a special event (Kacper sent a lot of ressources to inactive and then launched attacks to get + 40% of what he initially sent).
    TEODORE then just waited for KACPER to get yellow to grab his fleet and all of his ressources collected illegaly.

    PS: Looks like that TEODORE doesn't know how to intercept someone without roid (all of his trap were made with roids)...and even with one his fleet is 5 seconds behind :D ...

  • if you calc 1+1 and see this post here which is created BEFORE the battle was done, and he wrote that he wouldn't escape flight dont know how you think that "he failed to escape"
    btw; he contacted him... you should be provide informations which you didnt know!

    Well we didn't know the fact that you provided. Now the task is simple and You know what to do with that.

    That explained a lot. We don't play Retro so we know nothing about the relations and situation that happened. You pictured it us so we could imagine how it was done step by step. I think situation is rather clear now... :)

    • Official Post

    its not such simple as johzi "try to explain" it ... but you see that there are some "question marks" here in this situation.

    To end this topic: the team decided to remove the resources from this rubble; i think all is "fine" now :)
    We didnt think that the fleet is "donated" or something like that; we also dont think that there are other "criminal" or illegal things going on with this battle between Dr.faust and TEODORE.

    I hope you will remove this battle report from the hall of fame; for me its not a legal battle.


  • Wenn ich jetzt also abgefangen werde, muss ich nur so nen Thread erstellen und der Angreifer bekommt keine Ress? Danke für den Tipp!

    Und alle, die hochmütig sind und nicht bereit sind, sich zu fügen, werden gebrochen und zu Staub zerfallen.

    Mit freundlichen Grüßen


    Uni: Nexus
    UserID: 20

  • also ich würde den kb rückgängig machen beide sperren ...... es sind schon leute für weniger gesperrt worden denn einer der die flotte erarbeitet hat verschenkt sie nicht die gelöschten kolos wieder herstellen inaktiv werden lassen und für jeden zugänglich machen.... der angreifer würde ne sperre von ner woche bekommen und ab erkennung der punkte nach dem att

  • Lasst doch mal bitte den Quatsch, seit wann werden Sperren oder Regelverstöße im Forum Diskutiert. Die einzigen die sich beschweren können, sind die Leute die beteiligt waren und das passiert nicht hier im Forum. Meiner Erfahrung nach, kann man mit dem Team sehr gut reden und man findet auch immer eine Faire Lösung.
    Einzige Fehler hier... Wieso wurde der Thread nicht sofort geclosed und verschoben ?