if you calc 1+1 and see this post here which is created BEFORE the battle was done, and he wrote that he wouldn't escape flight dont know how you think that "he failed to escape"
    btw; he contacted him... you should be provide informations which you didnt know!

    Well we didn't know the fact that you provided. Now the task is simple and You know what to do with that.

    That explained a lot. We don't play Retro so we know nothing about the relations and situation that happened. You pictured it us so we could imagine how it was done step by step. I think situation is rather clear now... :)

    But what about the situation where attacking player prepared a trap for a long time... He didn't contact defeated player and there was no agreement.
    Defender failed to escape flight a wrote this post just for excuse for his fail ??? Is it possible? Yes of course. So experienced player also make mistakes and hand shakes when you have so little time to save years of your activity.
    The perfect excuse is to state that you were bored and bla bla bla bla...... To pretend that you were not shot and you generously let someone to hit you. So you end game undefeated.

    The attacker was rewarded for his eforts and now you are going to restet the battle and take it back.

    If you do this then everyone will make a post like this on forum and revenge on the attacker.

    If you don't have any evidence of their agreement you simply can't do the reset. His post here is no evidence. It is one sides statement. Ask the second one before you do something.

    Bad idea with this v-mode in my opinion. It could work but only when you set a limit on time being in v-mode. Lets say 6months. Other way they will build lvl20 warehouses and activate premium v-mode and you won't see them for years.

    There are too much v-moders already. We don't need any more.
    I play this game for a while and there are players who i haven't seen being online for years. They bring nothing to the game....

    Set them clock that measures their v-mode time. There are different situations in real life but i think 6months a year is more than enough. Or give them 3 months of v-mode and 3months more as a buyable premium vacation mode option.
    After they use their v-mode time limit they will need to play or EF (escape flight) every week. The EF assistant would be very interesting option among those players. Extra profit for game developers.

    If they decide to just EF every week then other players will benefit because resources will stay in the game if they won't shut down their production. In actual form these v-moders bring NOTHING!!!! at all to the game.


    I just read about the maintance.

    Maybe next time maintance topic should be pinned to avoid missing it among the rest? If it were just on the top we would save our nerves and you will avoid posts like this one :)

    Have a nice day Everyone!!!

    Ohhhh kids.....

    No offence but everyone is fed up with your argue about war started few years ago...

    End this war and start a new one.

    You will have a clear view what is going on... There will be no arguments like: fleet points growth since the begin of the war and others. Everything could happen during these few years. Especially when no one of you cared about that war past two or more years...

    End old war ---> start new one ---> Then we can all talk about it and enjoy watching your battle reports.

    Good luck !!!