• How many fields can have 1 castle? I have info about castles round 1500 fields . Is it posdible? Is it the champion league? , and others playing local leagues?. Please admin answer the question . Thanls in advance.

    • Official Post


    i told you that there are buildfield items (for example the first ones we gave you) that you can use these up to 1100 or 1200 fields.

    Other buildfield items (like these ones from shop) has no limitations.

    there are buildfield reductions like when a castle get grey and also you can lose buildfields in fight ...

    so with just a "what is with ...." without any castle / position, i can't check anything.

    beside that - just to say because your post starts to become trolly and mad - maybe there is a bug, maybe there is a problem, maybe there is a explaination - but at all, we all want a fair game and i don't go into the village table and remove or add buildifelds randomly.

    so stop this accusing wording.

  • And what about fields 1383 and occupied 1472?

    This is also so with lots of NATO castles we got a spyreport from. Looks like a little bug in the report. Maybe the old castles that got expansion after the move from all old worlds to this one, that expansion is not counted in the spyreports by total fields.

  • Maybe you can check this one:

    I conquered a gray one - 092|591

    occupied 728 - 702 total

    (© 2012 - Once upon a time...)

    W1 - 124
    Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

  • A player called ensafter and others friends.

  • ich kann nur sagen du kannst durch Events Bauplätze gewinnen und in deine Schlößer verteilen, somit bekommt man genug Bauplätze. Wenn du die Elven Werkstatt Ausbaust sind es zwar Bauplätze aber die werden nicht ab gezogen von deinen Regulären

    • Official Post

    i got a castle from an active player to check / validate this.

    Like already noticed here, the elf workshop and also the hen house are added to the used fields what is wrong.

    So hotfix is out, the 2 buildings are not counted anymore on the used buildfields.

