• Dann kann die Anzahl der normalen Burgen bei 100 belassen und die Anzahl der Baldurs auf 60 erhöht werden, da ich denke, dass diesmal viele Spieler 60 Baldurs haben

    Wie viele Spieler würde das repräsentieren ???

  • We are not asking for an increase in the number of castles and baldurs that can be recruited, we are asking for flexibility when adopting such an extreme measure, if the limit is calculated at a total of 130 castles, 100 castles + 30 baldurs, that this extreme measure is flexible for at least a time and allows us to adapt to all players, for example 6 months or 1 year where the total number of castles / baldurs in which they can be recruited is 130, that is to say... for example 70 castles and 60 baldurs, this would allow some players time to adjust. But overnight they have made players who created the same troops as their nearby Top, lose almost all their production and stop playing under the same conditions. A reduction in the percentage of troop production of, for example, the first 50 players would be an equitable measure for those 50 players, they would all stop producing an equal percentage of troops, a rule such as the one applied without flexibility makes some players of those first 50 stop to produce for example 10% of their troops and others stop producing 60% of troops, what is the equality in that?

    • Official Post

    We are not asking for an increase in the number of castles and baldurs that can be recruited, we are asking for flexibility when adopting such an extreme measure, if the limit is calculated at a total of 130 castles, 100 castles + 30 baldurs, that this extreme measure is flexible for at least a time and allows us to adapt to all players, for example 6 months or 1 year where the total number of castles / baldurs in which they can be recruited is 130, that is to say... for example 70 castles and 60 baldurs, this would allow some players time to adjust. But overnight they have made players who created the same troops as their nearby Top, lose almost all their production and stop playing under the same conditions. A reduction in the percentage of troop production of, for example, the first 50 players would be an equitable measure for those 50 players, they would all stop producing an equal percentage of troops, a rule such as the one applied without flexibility makes some players of those first 50 stop to produce for example 10% of their troops and others stop producing 60% of troops, what is the equality in that?

    thats not what you ask in your blame posts in that other thread.

    but to say that here in german and in english - we are working on a solution for that. Its just a time.limited solution, so these numbers right now will be placed on end and are finally what we want to achieve.

    Und deutsch

    Wir arbeiten gerade an einer Lösung. Die Zahlen die wir aktuell haben sind aber die "Finalen"-Zahlen. Heißt das diese Zwischenlösung nur für eine Übergangszeit für euch zur Verfügung stehen wird.

    • Official Post

    blame in german and also english and all other languages i know was and is simply "blaming" (blamieren), you blame me with your again and again focusing "stupid admin" comments.
    So what you expect - that i take you serously ? When you kick my ass, i ignore you and your posts.

    is that what you want?

    be respectful to me and the team and we will answer your posts, and you can take part of the discussion. Start blaming me, flaming me, kick my ass - we will ignore you!

  • blame in german and also english and all other languages i know was and is simply "blaming" (blamieren), you blame me with your again and again focusing "stupid admin" comments.
    So what you expect - that i take you serously ? When you kick my ass, i ignore you and your posts.

    is that what you want?

    be respectful to me and the team and we will answer your posts, and you can take part of the discussion. Start blaming me, flaming me, kick my ass - we will ignore you!

    When such important decisions are made with a small group of players behind the back of the other players in the game and that especially benefits that small group of privileged people, you may receive complaints from the rest of the players, and more if they have been unfairly sanctioned simply for following another totally legal gambling tactic.

    If even on top of that, all the players who disagree with the decision of that small group of privileged players are continually disqualified by those players and the administrators, perhaps it is even reasonable that some comments are raised in tone.

    • Official Post

    When such important decisions are made with a small group of players behind the back of the other players in the game and that especially benefits that small group of privileged people, you may receive complaints from the rest of the players, and more if they have been unfairly sanctioned simply for following another totally legal gambling tactic.
    If even on top of that, all the players who disagree with the decision of that small group of privileged players are continually disqualified by those players and the administrators, perhaps it is even reasonable that some comments are raised in tone.

    thats your opinion.
    We have a big discussion and this "way" or solution is already talked about there. This thread was in german most of the time, many players want a fair game that no users get more and more and not reachable troop productions per day.

    sry @Urotsukidoji
    its simple - you are one of players with the biggest production here in damoria. That was a good strategy and you got rly big troops out from this - so that you are not likely about this change its not a surprise for anyone here.
    But, i dont ask "big players" if its ok to remove 50% of there production.

  • When such important decisions are made with a small group of players behind the back of the other players in the game and that especially benefits that small group of privileged people, you may receive complaints from the rest of the players, and more if they have been unfairly sanctioned simply for following another totally legal gambling tactic.
    If even on top of that, all the players who disagree with the decision of that small group of privileged players are continually disqualified by those players and the administrators, perhaps it is even reasonable that some comments are raised in tone.

    You dare to use the wordt "priviledged"Players??????For years, a number of players were able to make troops in more castles than any other player could ever own. The gap between these "previleged" players and the rest kept widening. Is everything taken from these "previleged" players as you constand claim? No, they keep the castles and troops. They are limited only with troop production to the same number of castles that each player can build. (every one who spent enough years in Damoria to build 100 normal and 30 gold with 3x100 troop production) Now look at it from a different angle. You are a player who, for all sorts of reasons, has not been able to make the switch to BitMeup with 300 castles or more. You had to pay thousands of gems to conquer or build Castle no 88 while the player with 300 castles could do that for less. This was equated and every player could get castles up to 120 castlepoints for the same price. But some priviledges players still had more castles and produce troops in them. The top is inaccessible.
    And yes, it is very annoying that those privileged players now have to adjust their accounts. But it has been admitted that The Damoria team are looking at a slow progression to 100 normal and 30 baldur castles for troop production to help them.
    With that, you are still a privileged player with more castles and more resource production than most players can ever build.
    So maybe you should shut up about players that are the "priviledged players" according to you.

    Edited once, last by Juflo ().

  • Es ist an der Zeit, das sich dieser Member an seine Kinderstube erinnert (wenn vorhanden ) Wenn wir das, als mehr oder weniger anständige Member.....das lesen müssen, bzw. auch die Admin. Da geht uns innerlich schon mal ein Messer auf.

  • das mit den heiligen upgrades muss ich erstmal verdauen - ich kann die überschüssigen nicht mal verschenken - die verfallen! - da hätt ich mir das energie event und den weihnachtsbummel schenken können!!

    jedenfalls ist für mich nach meiner anfrage der vorschlag von dschibait mit "HS + 10 NS in W1 zu verschieben" mit dem Team (auserwählten Spielern) zu besprechen noch offen. ich hoffe nur dass das nicht gegen deren Strategie ist, ein wenig voreingenommen ist man ja immer

    und zum Thema w2 transfer option 2 ... die schlösser sollten wie gesagt neben großen NS auf W1 auch setzbar sein, von mir aus eines das man wählen muss - und nicht nur neben HS.

    wie sieht es mit diesen 2 punkten aus?
    habt ihr die auch besprochen?

    • Official Post

    die Ankündigung waren ja nur Änderungen zum Vorpost, zur generellen "was wird transferiert" -Geschichte.

    In dem Vorpost haben wir ja geschrieben, dass die genauen Fakten dann alle vor der Fusion (auch erst nach der Testphase) bekannt werden. Ich sehe aber keinen Grund warum du das Hauptschloss verschieben können sollst.
    Kannst du ja auch im übrigen, wenn du kapitulierst.

  • ich war schon kurz davor zu kapitulieren , wurde aber quasi überredet ;)

    ich hatte auch schon andere vorschläge gemacht z.b. dass man dann nicht angreifen kann aber angegriffen werden kann, und dass man nur zu einem größeren NS springen kann :)

    aus dem ganz einfachen grund wie schon geschildert, dass ich das hs noch verlegen wollte, aber die option in einer blitzaktion nicht mehr vorhanden war - mit ankündigung hätt ich das sofort gemacht - und zwar nicht um zu einem gegner zu springen (deshalb wurde es ja abgeschafft).

    und wenn die schlösser aus w2 nur zum hs gesetzt werden können, dann ist es nochmal um einiges interessanter.
    wenn die w2 schlösser auch zu einem großen NS auf W1 gesetzt werden können, dann wird es zumindest schon erträglicher.

    • Official Post

    Das Problem, was viele hier nicht sehen ist. Man kann sicherlich alles einfügen, das dauert aber. Alleine das wir jetzt diese Upgrades erlauben (unter bedingungen) zu transferieren, kostet mich mal wieder ein paar Stunden.
    So läppert sich das her, da und dort zusammen.

    Auch das diskutieren (ich hab kein Problem damit, wenn es über sinnvolle und schlüssige Dinge ist) von unnötigen Fragen kostet immer Zeit. Wir haben kein großes Moderations-Team und wenn unsere englischsprachige Moderatorin sich jetzt nicht mal mehr traut irgendwas zu schreiben, weil einmal was falsch war, wirds nicht einfach für mich und den Rest.

    Viele Sachen seht ihr hier nicht, ich bin aber heute schon wieder der Meinung, dass eine Verschiebung auf Julo mit der Fusion sicherlich sehr gut täte um die neuen Änderungen auch alle unter einen Hut wieder zu bringen.
    Ich hab hier noch 5 offene Konversationen wo Spieler fragen, warum beispielsweise die 10 Schlösser nicht auch von W1 auf W2 kopiert werden. Das kostet alles Zeit und - ich will das ja auch nicht unbeantwortet lassen.

    Dein Vorschlag bei aller Liebe - das ist mal wieder eine Woche mehr arbeit.

  • You dare to use the wordt "priviledged"Players??????For years, a number of players were able to make troops in more castles than any other player could ever own. The gap between these "previleged" players and the rest kept widening. Is everything taken from these "previleged" players as you constand claim? No, they keep the castles and troops. They are limited only with troop production to the same number of castles that each player can build. (every one who spent enough years in Damoria to build 100 normal and 30 gold with 3x100 troop production) Now look at it from a different angle. You are a player who, for all sorts of reasons, has not been able to make the switch to BitMeup with 300 castles or more. You had to pay thousands of gems to conquer or build Castle no 88 while the player with 300 castles could do that for less. This was equated and every player could get castles up to 120 castlepoints for the same price. But some priviledges players still had more castles and produce troops in them. The top is inaccessible.And yes, it is very annoying that those privileged players now have to adjust their accounts. But it has been admitted that The Damoria team are looking at a slow progression to 100 normal and 30 baldur castles for troop production to help them.
    With that, you are still a privileged player with more castles and more resource production than most players can ever build.
    So maybe you should shut up about players that are the "priviledged players" according to you.

    Judith I don't even know what you are talking about, here each player to his subject... the question is to criticize me even if it has nothing to do with what you are talking about. For your interest, and for you to stop making mistakes, the privileged players are those players who have been talking and deciding these changes with the administrators in secret and behind the back of the other players in the game. And now if you want, keep talking about who brought more castle from where and all those things that have nothing to do with what I'm talking about...

    • Official Post

    Judith I don't even know what you are talking about, here each player to his subject... the question is to criticize me even if it has nothing to do with what you are talking about. For your interest, and for you to stop making mistakes, the privileged players are those players who have been talking and deciding these changes with the administrators in secret and behind the back of the other players in the game. And now if you want, keep talking about who brought more castle from where and all those things that have nothing to do with what I'm talking about...

    you are talking since 10 posts about that these changes are not good for you.
    Sry but just one players strategy isn't compared with so many players who dont reach your numbers before this update.
    So sry, that i ignore your meaning. When you think that you stop - i dont know any other word - "crying" thatn we can talk about adjustments.

  • so die neu Ankündigung ist raus, soweit hab ich alles gut verstanden, aber mit den Baufeldern nich gilt dies nur für die HS Baufelder das sie verbraucht werden müßen oder auch Normale oder GS Baufelder?

  • you are talking since 10 posts about that these changes are not good for you.Sry but just one players strategy isn't compared with so many players who dont reach your numbers before this update.
    So sry, that i ignore your meaning. When you think that you stop - i dont know any other word - "crying" thatn we can talk about adjustments.

    And we continue with the disqualifications, great administrator!

    And no, I'm not saying for 10 posts that this change is not good for me, I'm saying that this change is not fair for everyone and doesn't imply the same losses for everyone, it is an unfair change and should be illegal.

    I explain it again because it seems that there are some people who are hard of hearing, or rather who don't want or are interested in understanding what I say:

    Before the changes:

    1 Top player produces a similar amount to another top player, that is... Player 1 = Player 2

    Player 1 for example produced troops in 120 normal castles and 100 baldurs, in total he produced troops in 220 castles.

    Player 2 for example produced troops in 50 normal castles and 170 baldurs, in total he produced troops in 220 castles.

    So far fine, no one got lost? We continue...

    After the changes:

    Player 1 produces troops in 100 normal castles and 30 baldurs, in total he produces in 130 castles.

    Player 2 produces troops in 50 normal castles and 30 baldurs, in total he produces in 80 castles.

    For those who don't understand much about mathematics 130> 80.

    Overnight, Player 1 produces troops in 50 more castles than Player 2.

    Equality for all right? fair for everyone right? totally legal this change? really?

    Now players will start to come out complaining about the inequality of the fusion of worlds, that the top players are top because they have been very lucky and not because they are good players, that the top players deserve this reduction, surely I will receive some disqualification or threat, I'm starting to get used to it... but the question is not that, the question is... because overnight 2 players who produce the same, stop producing the same due to a change in the rules? Why does one benefit and the other lose? because the game adapts like a glove for one, and for the other it implies months or years of adaptation and loss of equality with the other?

    Do you want to reduce the troop production of the top players? perfect to do it, I even agree, but that the reduction is the same percentage for everyone. That some lose 10% of their production and others lose 60% of their production when both produced the same thing is far from being the same, fair and legal.