In world 2 venturia there is a player with the name Darth Farysek in the alliance česko-slovenská kolben-daněk. In world 1 "the cusades" the name is unknown. I hope the admins can do something with this information. But always provide player name, ID and game world.

    This draw should also be the outcome of the simulator. You can simulate the results to see which troops your opponent had in the castle. Then you know which ratios of force you should avoid in battle, so that the battle does not exceed the number of rounds and end in a draw.

    Hi Chemilla,

    There are different types of draws. From what I can see from the reports (I don't have access to player account and could be wrong) this draw is caused by the combat power of the opposing troops being equal for the game.
    The battle script has the troops fight for X number of rounds. After each round it is checked whether a player has reached the maximum number of victims (battle setting). If the combat value of the troops is close to each other, it may happen that the maximum number of rounds is fought, it is then automatically a draw.
    In your battles, the maximum number of rounds that the players can fight against each other has been reached. There was no winner in those rounds and none of the players made it to the battle setting to surrender. Therefore, the fighting stopped with a draw. It is possible that you would have become the winner if there were more rounds if your setting is higher than that of your opponent. But the battle script only provides for a number of rounds.

    If I'm right, this isn't a bug, it's part of the battle script.

    Hello Chemilla,

    Also in my account in w2 venturia the trader indicates that no goods have been delivered. But the goods have arrived. It's an error in the reporting, not in the market.

    Dear Templfr,

    You have made accusations here against a fellow player and accused the Damorria team of discrimination based on nationality. You got a response from Dschibait and even screenshots from Olokun refuting the allegations.

    Are you brave enough to admit that you were wrong and to apologize?

    I hope so because an apology doesn't change the past, but it may change the future and I hope that if anyone else has reservations about this game they will pay a little more attention to how they present them here.

    taktik Ich habe diese Frage in einem neuen Thema gepostet. Es gibt verschiedene Möglichkeiten, die Truppen-Bauschleife zu erweitern, damit sie sich nicht leert. Auf der Goldseite können Sie das für Gold kaufen, für Bernstein können Sie es aber auch um 25 % erhöhen.
    WIELKIE KROLETWO; Ich möchte darauf hinweisen, dass auch ich nur ein Spieler bin, der versucht hier im Forum Antworten geben. Es gibt mehr Mitglieder im Damoria-Team, die dies tun, und auch andere Spieler sind bereit, ihre Freizeit damit zu verbringen, Fragen zu beantworten. Mit etwas Freundlichkeit und Respekt macht das viel mehr Spaß

    Hallo Wielkie Kroletwo,
    Die bei der Beschwörung gewonnenen Preise werden nicht sofort gutgeschrieben. Erst wenn Sie die Seite aktualisieren, können Sie die Ressourcen in Ihrem Speicher sehen. Wenn Sie mehrere Zauber nacheinander aktivieren, ist es ratsam, die Goldseite gelegentlich zu aktualisieren, um zu verhindern, dass der Speicher voll wird, da alle entnommenen Ressourcen auf einmal erfasst werden.

    Es ist möglich, das die Ressourcen im Schloss gut beschrieben sind , allerdings erst, nachdem Sie das Schloss/die Goldseite verlassen habben und es nicht gesehn habben?

    hello Chemilla,

    This is not as easy as it seems. Do you want to ship all gemstones? Or do you want to be able to ship per type (diamond, ruby, emerald)? Do you want to exclude certain castles from sending the gems? (like your main castle, where you need gems to activate the Philosopher's stone).

    And if there are more gems than fit in the treasury, will they be lost and should there be a warning?

    What do you think of this adjustment of your idea:

    The trading master gets a gemstone colleague. You can hire him and he will ensure, during the hired time, that the type of gemstones you select are shipped from the castles you select to the castle of your choice. The gemmaster will stop sending when the treasure chest is full .

    Hello Wanderlay,

    Please provide an English or German translation in the forum if you write in another language. This ensures that everyone can read the forum:

    "Good morning ,

    will there be more bandit camps during the Halloween event?"

    Whether there will be more bandit camps is up to Dschibait. So we'll have to wait until he has time.

    Hello Chemilla,

    * Creating a new type of unit is a major change in the game. It not only changes the battles, but also the construction of the castles, the troop master, the importance of a wall and it changes the resource balance. There must be compelling reasons for such drastic changes. Can you talk about what this additional combat unit will add to the game? It will also help if more players want a change of this kind in the game.

    * Cleaning up of Abbandoned castles
    In this topic Dschibait has asked for proposals for the gray castles.

    *The banned players are sometimes banned for using bugs. It is not wise for players to reuse their castles as there is a chance that the castles will be infected with the pests or will have other consequences due to the bug use. They are unusable. A solution is being worked on. There is a proposal to regularly place "gray" castles created by the game. Proposals for this are also welcome.

    *A solution for the amber castles that have turned gray is currently being worked on.

    *You can create your own surveys here in the forum. A positive outcome will certainly increase the priority an idea receives.

    Hello jirka,
    Yes, The number of building fields remains the same as before the change. This is always the case, unless it is explicitly stated during the introduction of the castle upgrade in the official announcements. You can of course use the extra construction sites for normal castles for the change and those for Baldur castles after the change, thus making an extra large castle possible.

    Hello AuricGFinger,

    My experience is that misunderstandings arise from language problems because players from all over the world play here. It is therefore always wiser to ask questions, answer them and provide summaries to avoid misunderstandings.

    Posting a message here just to bring down a player for alleged flaws in basic or mathematics may say more about the writer's manners than about any other player.

    Hello Chemilla,
    No, You changed an event castle ( baldur, gold, halloween) into an normal castle (amber castle). So you changed an castle that is 0,1 castlepoints into an castle that is 1 castlepoint and so you gained 0,9 castlepoints with the exchange. And that made the price for the deeds of conquest go up.
    Changing a normal castle into an amber castle does not change your castle points.

    Hello Chemilla,

    You can recruit in 30 normal castles and in 10 baldurs. You can change this to a maximum of 40 normal castles and no baldurs. In your case, you can indicate that you want to recruit in 38 normal and 2 baldurs. Recruiting in more than 40 castles is not possible.

    That's why you can't recruit in all of your 48 castles.

    But of course it is not correct that the game says to recruit in 48 castles. So that is a indication error. Dschibait will have to look at this.

    "Today we would like to invite you to settle a new world!"

    From Friday October 28th at 8pm you can join our new world Venturia.

    Here is some information about the world:

    Duration: unlimited

    Resource speed: 2x

    Troop-Move speed: 3x

    Castle Limit (Total): 50 ( Normal = 1, Gold = 0.1)

    Gold/Event Castles: 30 max

    Troop building queues: 30 (normal) 10 gold (event) castles (+/- 10 flexible)

    Hi Chemilla,
    When the amber mines were added to the game, something went wrong with the order of the mine in the building list. An amber mine was built instead of another building in some castles. Even if the conditions were not met. If you want the level 1 building gone, you can create a ticket. But given the workload, it will probably go faster if you ask a friendly player to shoot the amber mine with catapults.