• I do not find conflict between the declared idea for the tournament and the extension of time.

    Hour 0 - 24:
    Players select the knights alignment and sign them up;
    Hour 24 - 48:
    Players check out competing knights and make changes - or not. Invisible to competitors;
    Hour 48:
    The tournament takes place.

    (© 2012 - Once upon a time...)

    W1 - 124
    Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

    • Official Post

    You didnt read the tournament idea from me.

    The idea was that you can switch knight fighting orders during the tournament. When you see that you have to fight against Hochstedter you can switch to a stronger knight, that may can beat him.

    Finally, players who are online should be rewarded - but online and "timezones" are a kind of a problem.

  • My mistake.
    Tournment type and schedule can be adjusted. I propose alternatives to acomodate everbody. More active players always have better chances.

    Until hour 0:
    Players select the knights alignment and sign them up;
    Hour 24 - 48 - 72 - 96:
    The tournament takes place. Rounds every 12, 18, 24 hours?
    Players check out competing knights and make changes - or not. Invisible to competitors;

    Joke alternative:
    Hochstedter & others with big level guards dont play!! :rolleyes:

    (© 2012 - Once upon a time...)

    W1 - 124
    Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

  • Players check out competing knights and make changes - or not. Invisible to competitors;

    If your changes are invisible to the competitor the changes of the competitor are invisible to you too. So which information could be the basis for your decision then?

    An important question in this matter is: which information of the competitor's knights are displayed? All values, only the upper ones, only lives? The more detailed information I get, the more I'm able to evaluate the strength of the competitor's knight, thus making me able to react. This reaction will have an effect only in a dynamic fight mode. The poorer the information is the more static the fight mode might be. If you don't know what type of motor is inside of my 1960s VW you might consider it to be a very slow car :D

    ID 368 | W1
    • Official Post

    you will see the base values (life atk and def) but not crit, blood or other values.

    We plan it like, you see "Round #3", there you have selected (before or during the tournement) which knight is at this round - means knights at round 1 and round 2 are not accessable anymore.
    So you see a countdown for round#3 and you see your opponent. This is the knight which the player puts to this round. You can click on your opponent to see the 10 knights (also with there base stats) - so you can decide which of your knights you want to go for.

    In some situations its maybe a more strategic way to may lose a battle, to have a better knight for a last round - maybe you want to "bait" your opponent for a better knight or, you do some other special stuff, like going for a worser knight because your friend let you win (yes this is also possible)

  • maybe you want to "bait" your opponent for a better knight or, you do some other special stuff, like going for a worser knight because your friend let you win (yes this is also possible)

    Maybe there can be a price for the alliance of the winner also. Then players who didn't have much time to build the guards ( this time ) will be more likely to join the tounnaments to help their alliancemember.

  • By running few daily missions everybody can get 30% more ressources or faster troop production. I think that's a very attractive "price" for low engagement (for what reason ever).

    The question, however, is: how could these players help the designated winner of your alliance in the tournament? You'll need strong knights to reach at least the quarter finals.

    ID 368 | W1
  • If I'm not wrong the first player has quit (and sells out his complete equipment). A reaction which would give a clear hint to the circumstance that this guard thing takes far too much time. The first time I thought "now it's enough" was at level 30. I wonder how I got it to reach the 50. I think a huge part of this success is owed to the pandemic situation and its consequences. I definitely would appreciate a reduction to maximum 40 levels. Maybe it's worth a reflection.

    ID 368 | W1
  • First time at level30?? Wow ... I have not even reached that level. I guess it was level 3 when i really thought about to stop.
    There are too many crap missions ... Success should be not lower than 50 percent. 23h missions should be available. Too many crap items.
    You should be able to select items and sell them at once.

    But i think this is just the light version.
    I guess you will be able to buy more knights, buy better items and complete missions with a pay button. Just a matter of gold and talers.
    So level reduction to 40 is not needed ;)

    Hopefully not too many changes for the moment. Important to make tournament in both worlds and then the fusion can be done - should be the focus if youbask me ... World2 is getting stronger and stronger.

  • Maybe level 50 is ok but then you just can double or triplicate the experience per mission, so that overall growth is faster to reach it.

    You could increase the succees rate of specific missions, in those where no items are collected.

    You could invent new item called Amulet or ring which may can have an exp bonus stat for Missions (hehe)


    ID 255 in World 1 Damoria
    ID 171 in World 2 Damoria

    Ein Bier ist kein Bier.
    Wer zwei trinkt, kann auch drei trinken.
    Nach drei Bier, hol ich mir doch noch ein Viertes.
    Ach komm, was ist schon ein Sixpack.
    Hmm der leere Kasten ist mein Kopfkissen.
    Heute kauf ich mir eine Brauerei.

  • Thank you. Looking forward to see some blood thirsty knights splitting the enemys body... Hehe

    ID 255 in World 1 Damoria
    ID 171 in World 2 Damoria

    Ein Bier ist kein Bier.
    Wer zwei trinkt, kann auch drei trinken.
    Nach drei Bier, hol ich mir doch noch ein Viertes.
    Ach komm, was ist schon ein Sixpack.
    Hmm der leere Kasten ist mein Kopfkissen.
    Heute kauf ich mir eine Brauerei.

    Edited once, last by Hochstedter ().

  • This is a game. But it is something that I take seriously - within the logic of a game. Besides that it is a business. There is money involved.
    Bonus? For me? I doubt. I would have to be extremely lucky. I have no illusions about that. But I want to do my best. A development strategy is not done with short notices. I asked for dates, here. I feared this situation. One more... Again...
    Sarcasm is what I have left. I don't want to be offensive or get into legal or moral or whatever issues.

    (© 2012 - Once upon a time...)

    W1 - 124
    Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

  • Hi Nordium.
    Keep calm, this is a test tournament with no bonus.
    Why making pressure, why do you need a time plan? For us it is a game not a job...and where is money involved for us here?

    ID 255 in World 1 Damoria
    ID 171 in World 2 Damoria

    Ein Bier ist kein Bier.
    Wer zwei trinkt, kann auch drei trinken.
    Nach drei Bier, hol ich mir doch noch ein Viertes.
    Ach komm, was ist schon ein Sixpack.
    Hmm der leere Kasten ist mein Kopfkissen.
    Heute kauf ich mir eine Brauerei.