• I am reciving attacks to same little castles from pogoman, les templiers, and I can,t attack him to defend me . This is a completly unfair and fraud. How this player can attack me the little castles and I can,t attack him ?? . This is a great dissaster, completly mess , it is a pity, I just buy a gold , may be I must Think it better the next time.

  • hello I have several questions on the new rule of attack.

    many player castle attacks in possession but I can not replicate, it does not seem very good.

    Some attacks arrive after the deadline which it is entitled to take back the castle. will the attacks happen?

  • your new rule really does not work

    I just took a castle and I'm a little player

    all big accounts can attack my castle and I can not fight back on them

    now they have taken over the castle and I can only attack the castle that he just took back
    I can not organize a counter-offensive on all the castles.
    Attack a single castle on a small pass
    attack a single castle on a big account it is hardly lost

    • Official Post

    you didn't have mates who can support you with troops to hold this castle?

    BTW: before this update, you are also attackable ANYTIME from ANYONE... so why this system isnt work at all? This system works; if you conquer a castle, you have to know that you could be atacked by everyone.
    But so, small players can play without conquering so, building up and dont mess with the tops.


    i will talk with the team about grey castles. I think we can implement them without conquer times.


  • yes, even in my opinion the new system that allows everyone to recover conquered castles is working.
    allows alliance members or friends to help, and continues to protect weaker players, who cannot be counterattacked as retaliation / deterrence
    and perhaps invites players to experience the thrill of the battle, knowing that if they conquer, they will only be attacked on the conquest and not on everything
    seems almost a reward to those who dare to play... :)