    io penso che l'ottimale sia mantenere la protezione solo sul main castle , come adesso.
    anche se ormai il gioco oramai è troppo snaturato.
    Era affascinante , rispetto ad altri giochi, la sua rudezza, e la possibilità di crearsi propri mondi , con sistemi di amicizie , alleanze e perchè no anche di tradimenti e voltafaccia.
    Questo , a mio parere , rendeva possibile ,nel tempo, conoscere gli altri giocatori e regolarsi meglio nel nostro proprio gioco, compreso il capire come e cosa poter o dover difendere o attaccare.
    Ma purtroppo la folle paura di perdere castelli e truppe (o avere più di altri)ha bloccato tutto.
    E' un gioco , ma tutti noi , giocatori admin proprietari... abbiamo , per infiniti motivi, contribuito sempre più a costruire fossati invalicabili...
    come dicevo, è un gioco e così dovrebbe rimanere... si demolisce, attacca , difende... pensare ad esso come investimento di denaro snatura tutto...
    esorto tutti i giocatori a giocare , quindi
    e magari insieme a admins e proprietari
    ma giocare veramente.

    I think it would be best to keep the protection only on the main castle, as now.
    Even if the game is now too distorted.
    It was fascinating, compared to other games, its roughness, and the possibility of creating your own worlds, with systems of friendships, alliances and why not also betrayals and turncoats.
    This, in my opinion, made it possible, over time, to get to know the other players and better regulate our own game, including understanding how and what we could or should defend or attack.
    But unfortunately the crazy fear of losing castles and troops (or having more than others) has blocked everything.
    It 'a game, but all of us, players admin owners ... we have, for infinite reasons, contributed more and more to build impassable moats ...
    As I said, it's a game and so it should stay ... you demolish, attacks, defends ... think of it as an investment of money distorts everything ...
    I urge all players to play, then
    and maybe together with admins and owners
    but really play.

    Translated with (free version)

    to be honest, I don't like sabotage either ... at least it would take a way, some chance to defend or mitigate it ...
    perhaps it could be done with saboteurs as with explorers in combat, they can fight each other, for example if I have 20% saboteurs they are defeated only by higher percentages?

    Hello Dschibait ,
    maybe you could tie bonuses to adjacent fields, in the sense: if I send 9 attacks but in fields distant from each other, I have basic bonuses, if the fields are adjacent, there is an increase in percentage of bonuses ...? :)

    hi Damoria,
    nice to see some helpful changes and above all willingness to listen! :)
    What do you think about being able to enter a report (battle, market,bandits etc.) and scroll and view the previous or next one, without always having to go back to the first page?
    this would save me time and patience :D

    Lord Dragoon: to be honest, it is linked to the fact that those who send troops in supports in friendly castles can thus receive reports of battles

    but some variables make the strategy game much more exciting ;)
    Do you really want to prevent players from helping themselves with support? if this yes, I consider this unfair :)
    btw, sorry for poor english translation

    too many posts and too many translations:) I put here my analysis for the senators,
    considering also that the senates are built as a secondary construction (primary buildings: resources and military)
    I think that for the beginning player or player who has to rebuild his empire 7 senator attacks make it almost impossible to conquer (or reconquer)
    Also need on active players send troops to every , as opposed to the gray castles where with the first attack will eliminate the troops

    yes, translator is essential but sometimes it is difficult to understand well
    perhaps sometimes it is better to put double language, its own and English translation
    I do not understand "you could buy a non-attacking mode for one castle this way on w2"
    i understood : in w2 you can still buy protection for a (generic) castle ...
    ... but I can't find it :)
    however 24 hours of blocking of the attacks are many if the player jumps in defense of his castles or castles of companions
    perhaps it is possible to immediately attack the disputed castles?

    btw, from what I understand, Sauron would like in w1 possible to implement the possibility of jumping

    esas opciones son validas, ahora quita el restringir solo un salto .. una vez que un jugador quiere mover su castillo principal paga oro y a moverse de nuevo ...

    @Dschibait , basically i agree wiyt you
    even if there are some nuances, like jumps of players in a group, but even here it would be either by attack or by defense

    w1 can only be moved once
    w2 already works with doubling cost with every jump
    w2 I used it a lot as an attack, especially on groups of gray castles but also in war
    I used it also as a defense, to protect my castles
    but the 2 players who jumped, one is with the new rules out of my range of attack, therefore inoffensive
    the other capitulated the other day
    I personally think that an important weapon like the jump must be used for defense (personal or other players) and only one jump is enough to empower the players in choosing weapons and strategies
    because in my opinion those who jump in the attack do not always think that the target can react and from a prey can become predator
    and for a fair and correct game the strategic mistakes should not be helped by the game itself :)

    yes, even in my opinion the new system that allows everyone to recover conquered castles is working.
    allows alliance members or friends to help, and continues to protect weaker players, who cannot be counterattacked as retaliation / deterrence
    and perhaps invites players to experience the thrill of the battle, knowing that if they conquer, they will only be attacked on the conquest and not on everything
    seems almost a reward to those who dare to play... :)

    an important part of the game has always been to try to guess, to study individual and alliance strategies, intended as the location and construction of troops and castles ..
    I should think a lot about this, but so at first glance to make statistical analysis available to everyone, with actual blocks on the fight, for now it seems to me just a kind of "prize for the lazy and / or smart"
    in other games, player statistics such as troops are only within the alliance, and often visible only to veteran players
    I don't know if it's feasible, but maybe it could be that
    military alliance force visible to all
    military strength of the single player visible only in alliance
    but still visible fight protection red or green on the players

    personally I think that 14 days are too many, for the contestation of the castles conquered,
    7 days should be enough to elaborate and implement good plans to get back what was lost, considering after 48 hours possible demolition, and if the castle too far, maybe it was the case of not having ...
    however, being able to freely attack for a limited period of time the castles taken by someone is a good mediation between how we should play and how we can try to balance a game that is often called inappropriately unfair
    then, if we want to complain, well this will always be, I fear
    but I think it would be better to invest time and energy in trying to study, implement good strategies and real collaborations in the game

    non sono d'accordo, in questo
    la differenza , la marcia in più che ha sempre avuto Damoria rispetto ad altri giochi di strategia è il fatto di essere un semplice canovaccio dove si intrecciano strategie di singoli giocatori e intere alleanze con un gioco basalmente molto semplice come grafica e interazione ma molto ben costruito come accesso ai dati necessari(livelli, costruzioni, militari eccetera)
    più implementi , elementi aggiuntivi di interazione automatica con il gioco ci sono, secondo me, e meno il gioco diventa attraente ...
    quando ho letto dei Banditi , sono stata molto perplessa, ma in una ottica generale ampia del gioco , essi possono essere un vantaggio per i giocatori all'inizio , una fonte di risorse e altro
    non serve implementare premi di accesso, abbiamo anche i Magi
    e i Banditi già sono ulteriore premio : più giochi, e accedi e più premi hai.

    google translation

    Dem stimme ich nicht zu
    Der Unterschied, den die Ausrüstung von Damoria im Vergleich zu anderen Strategiespielen immer hatte, ist die Tatsache, dass es sich um eine einfache Handlung handelt, bei der sich Strategien von Einzelspielern und ganzen Allianzen mit einem Spiel verbinden, das im Grunde sehr einfach ist, wie Grafik und Interaktion, aber sehr gut gebaut als Zugang zu den notwendigen Daten (Ebenen, Konstruktionen, Militär etc.)
    Weitere Implementierungen, zusätzliche Elemente der automatischen Interaktion mit dem Spiel sind meiner Meinung nach umso weniger attraktiv, ...
    Als ich über die Banditen las, war ich sehr verblüfft, aber in einer breiten allgemeinen Perspektive des Spiels können sie zu Beginn einen Vorteil für die Spieler darstellen, eine Quelle von Ressourcen und mehr
    Sie müssen keine Zugriffsbelohnungen implementieren, wir haben auch die Magi
    und die Banditen sind bereits ein weiterer Preis: mehr Spiele und immer mehr Preise.

    Beule, i agree with you
    for this we should "abolish" the agreements not publicly managed
    to agree between alliances and / or individual players we should act here in the forum, where they to the attention and discussion of all players, so that all of us players from the Big to the new entry will have a clear idea of how the game really moves.
    Weydie, in principle I agree with almost everything you said, but it does NOT need a Council of Alliances, especially in skype (I'm not in it either, but I don't recognize its function, so not bad :))
    we simply must not give power to groups or players who, as Ramdanking rightly points out, use it only for their own interest
    and after all we are in a War & Strategy game
    we have an already structured Damoria Forum, let's use it!
    practical example

    [Blocked Image:]
    every Alliance should, for example, put what it requires to Allies, Naps, Union
    maybe even if there are entertainment agreements (tournaments but also exercises were organized in GE2, with friendly alliances)
    but remember:
    very important are war and strategy
    never forget this!

    thanks Juflo for the resume :)
    it has been for years that the game parallel to damoria, through friendships and alliances also transversal, in fact has always "guided" the game
    unfortunately in recent years the thing has progressed more and more, with "strong" players in intertwined alliances that have blocked everyone's game, and in some cases have selected alliances (Russians) and players who "were not worthy to play .." for various reasons, like buguser, multiaccounts ..
    history, reason in real teaches us that this division is always harmful and counterproductive
    and in a game, well we should always be better than what we are in life ... or not? :)
    however here in Damoria the problem has exploded
    we talk about fair play ...
    impossible to play fair, with different years of access to the game of the players, and above all the mess of the fusion of the worlds!
    but this could still be surmountable, with a correct and fair system of alliances, which unfortunately did not happen, as we have seen .. too many friendships, private interests, maybe even a bit of exhibitionism ... (I am stronger than you. .)
    and we also have a practical example now
    JG, LT, PolHus, CKD, HH ... 5 alliances of Damoria, medium and small in order to fight they joined in a Union, to which WP joined for the war ... 6 alliances in all that summing the points are far below the magical 1:10 ratio of protection against BR
    which, moreover, is NATO's ally, which being allies could have reached the war WITHOUT MORAL PROBLEMS
    so they would have turned the situation upside down, we would have been the smaller part. we knew the risk well but we played the same,
    yes, in order to play a little we were forced to fight the last battle, in a desperate attempt to wake up the Damorian players
    and what happened?
    more than 2 weeks after the start of the conflict, the Union of 3 major alliances wants to re-establish "order and legality" by attacking players individually
    and now, failing to divide our Union or even to scare us, they try to give themselves a further right of decision
    Below is my answer to a message from Vanmorris, BR leader

    think carefully, Damoria players ...
    I think that this forced interference as judges, NATO and members is really absurd, as I said above, nothing forbade NATO to intervene legitimately in war against our Union, so why this forcing?
    now NATO and its partners have exasperated everything...
    sincere: now it would be good for them to take a step back, if indeed they are in good faith...
    [Blocked Image:]

    sorry for the concision and any mess with translator, please understand the intentions beyond the words

    there is no useful to eliminate alliances and pacts,we are person so they always exist

    then my proposal for try unblock the game is

    every Alliance should publicly post here in the Damoria forum
    -complete alliance pacts (example if and how to intervene in case of war or also mutual help for grow little players)
    -declarations of war (one could decide on a standard or different, perhaps including the beginning and end of the fight, rules for out-of-play players, etc.)
    -requests / concessions for peace / truces (always including agreements)
    and anything else
    all visible and accessible to all so everyone can publicly report inconsistencies between facts and words.
    at the moment I have no idea how to "punish" the defaulters, if other alliances intervene or who
    but you can maybe consider this a starting point for improvements :)
    SRT /SiW_Hot Heads (w1)

    Dschibait, excellent information !!! :thumbup: :thumbup:
    pity only that for useful information one must always pick up threads in German! ;( ;(

    yes, the wall is not a huge problem, on w1
    but it is a little more a problem on w2, relatively new world
    and if it will arrive w3, well there it all starts from the same, old and new players ...
    in my opinion :
    need to avoid bringing in w2 and even more so in w3 when it arrives, the balances almost necessary for w1, where the accounts of the various worlds have been merged and where there are players over ten years and then, as a logical achievement is unthinkable that a new player to start.
    So even more so, you should make the other worlds, present and future worlds more dynamic, to entice people to play, game strategy concerns not only passive defenses, set by the system or agreements between alliances / players, but also achievements, understandings also how to deprive an opponent of an "advantage" as a territory, or good castles and even more so an excellent defender to prevent the opponent from obtaining these advantages .. this is Damoria :)
    and, another thing ...
    It would be more engaging for non-German players to be able to understand what really happens, the discussions only in German and in the forum, about changes that affect everyone, I think they create further abandonment of players.