• Could you explain me a little better?

    If my senator was bought at level 50
    but now I have demolished the building and it is zero

    what is the value of my senator?

    thank you

    """""""""""""""""""The Senator Strength is now dependent on the size of the Senator Building of Attacking Player Castle.

    • there will be a new base value of 10
    • for each level, 0.2 is added to this base value
    • the senator retuning will be 50% +/- of that value.

      • Example: Senate 50 => 10+ (0.2 * 50) => 20 so a chance between 10% to 30%
      • Example: Senate 100 => 10+ (0.2 * 100) => 30 so a chance between 15% and 45%""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
  • Thank you for your quick response to our question

    Battle took place on one of my advesaires morning. I launched his attacks 4 days ago.
    My Senators could not take the castle because of the new rules.
    Now I can not attack my opponent because of the new rules
    So I lost my time stalling attacks and spending resources because of your changing rules
    You did not say it will not impact attacks already launched?

    thank you to enlighten me

  • I understand you

    We can adapt to the new rules

    The only problem is that many attacks were launched before your change.

    Many of my friends have also lost because of the changing rule of the senates.

    Now, I know that it will be very difficult for you to find and even impossible to repeat the battles.

  • I got a question to senates with a strength of 0. I remember that the affirmation of the inhabitants after the first attack was reduced 1%/h. So with a high affirmation of ~22% (average with 4 senates) by the first sttack it was possible to get the castle with a second attack even if it was far away (~24h). Now I'll loose 24% of affirmation, but win only max. 10%/senate with the next attack. I'll have to send 5 senates always and many many times! To attack castles which are far away is not an option anymore now (5 senates at 5-10%=~37,5% affirmation, rest then is 62,5%. 62,5%+24%=86,5% until the next attack will take place! Basically I can win 13,5% with each attack, means I need to run 7 times

    ID 368 | W1
  • they have raised the level of the senator between 8 am and the afternoon of Sunday

    Senators have a power of 5% to 15% for a lapse of time

    now they have increased their level

    instead of treating the people with misunderstandings, study the situation first.