• Any chances to know the results of previous query's ?
    What is the most interesting part for me is the question 6 - about possible changes to the game.


    We're part of a story, part of a tale
    Sometimes beautiful and sometimes ... insane

  • The one with this as one of the answers:

    • there should be changes to the ships, so it's more important to attack with different ships rather than a pure Phoenix or battleship fleet

    I belive it was question 6,next one after the production on v-mode.

    We're part of a story, part of a tale
    Sometimes beautiful and sometimes ... insane

  • Give somewhere back the languege selection menu please.
    Becouse of the new BitTag menu it's not possible to choose/change language.

    We're part of a story, part of a tale
    Sometimes beautiful and sometimes ... insane

  • Sometimes is useful, mostly when i'm

    - importing battle report when i made to si-master account in german (it does not works in polish, english)

    - menaging alliance in english if i need to do something important to do (Polish = german language there)

    - After every planet transfer option i import (copy/paste) moved planets to Bald Eagle Si-Tool in english

    - And small name Astroid bug in Polish there still is in game (Name for asteroid: astreoid, and you can name the planet the same way, so in the end if you are attacked from it in polish language you do not know from where attack is flying)

    Thats all i think

    We're part of a story, part of a tale
    Sometimes beautiful and sometimes ... insane

    • Official Post

    This bug: you mean the polish translaten error or is "astreoid" correct for polish but players can change there planet name to this?
    What should be the correct translaten or name, that this is not happend anymore?

    For the other things. I didn't lreviewed bald_eagles tool (sry bro; i know it tooks much of time) - but i think we can implement a icon (maybe on the bottom of the page) that you can copy the whole page in english /german to your clipboard.

    could this solve the situation that you didn't need to switch your language?

  • Maybe it`s offtop, but i don`t want to creat special topic for that. Dschi, can u fix some bugs?

    1. All Cyrillic letters/words, that i`m writing in my "Notice" replaced with ????, so i can`t write in Russian there.

    2. Calculation of the fuel cost. When i`m saving fleet with starbase for a clothest planet and for example game write, that i would spend 1kk of spice on this flight, but actually i spend about ~700k of spice. Yeah, it`s good, that i spend less, but when i want to catch attacker on my own planet and for example i need, that my spice do not change at all (when storage are full of spice) it`s mission impossible to make that happend now.

  • Quote

    This bug: you mean the polish translaten error or is "astreoid" correct for polish but players can change there planet name to this?

    I can name a planet Astreoid. And my astros are named Astreoid by game in PL SI.

    If i send two attack one from the planet second from astro - to a polish player - he will not know on his command central whitch one is flying from astro and which one is from the planet.
    That gives 50/50% chances to avoid intreception later on.

    Just give this like on other languages, - Asteroid. Thats all, the game will not allow anyone to name planet this way.

    It wold be nice to menage alliance in english not german - if you dont have time to correct Polish language as it was at the beggining there (The same way you did in command central)

    Rest it's really not important - i do not change languege too offen.


    2. Calculation of the fuel cost. When i`m saving fleet with starbase for a clothest planet and for example game write, that i would spend 1kk of spice on this flight, but actually i spend about ~700k of spice

    This happen when you add a colony ship to you fleet. Fuel usage Its always aroud 25 % less that is showed in game. Dont know why.

    Dschi take some (big) fleet and check the fuel usege what is written before you send it to Escape Fl.
    Start it and compare this with summary screen after start. It will different.
    Check this with colony ship and without it.

    We're part of a story, part of a tale
    Sometimes beautiful and sometimes ... insane

  • For example, my full fleet (slower ship is starbase) on the closest planet with 10% of the speed shows that it cost 212777 spice. At now i have XX1.122.067 spice, and after i start the fleet on the planet left XX0.970.080. So if calculate that flight costs me 151987 spice.

    I do it right now, so u can check it on my account in Nexus.

  • the second bug - i know it always happens when a recycler is in the fleet (but not recyclers only), the type of the mission does not matter (the bug is there when attacking, too)