• Hello to all, for the players that they don't know who i am; i'm CorsairIGP and i'm the number one in uni RETRO.i thought that the just one reason is that i'm too big (i have 348 mil of fleet) ahahah I come back serious; i want to know and i want to undestand why uni RETRO
    has not to be included in the fusion. I want to tell to the players and
    particularly to GOs, that uni RETRO is dying faster that you can image
    it. Daily many players lost his fleet and they leave the game, and it's
    not good and i'm sorry about it. So all we know that the game needs some
    improvements, and i think that fusion will be very good but it has to
    consider also RETRO universe. I love this game, and i think that
    all players love this game. i'm number one and i want to send a message
    to all, i want to send a sign to all universes. We have to make
    something for this game and at the moment i think that fusion will be
    the better solution for all. I want to propose that i also ready
    to give up to 100/150 million of my fleet so that uni RETRO will be
    included in the fusion for the new biggest universe of ever. I would that we discuss about it, and i would that GOs consider my proposal. I'm serious and i want it, becouse if the game will not update of some real and good improvements, it will die in some months. Thanks to all for the attention, and i hope that we can discuss together with players and GOs about it in this thread. Greeting to all and good game to all. WE CAN MAKE SPACEINVASION GREAT AGAIN :thumbup:

  • Hi,
    I totally agree with Corsair, a fusion of universe (Retro/Ger/Int/rus) would create a second life to SI and will make the game interresting again.
    It would be really unfair for Retro players if only ger/int/rus unis get together...in this case I will maybe quit SI ...
    Space invasion (and so retro uni) definitely needs a BIG change, not only a "galaxy loop" ^^
    I hope that Game Admins will be nice and will understand what retro players really want.

  • Ich unterstütze den Vorschlag von meinem Freund zu 100%. Vier Langzeitunis machen keinen Sinn mehr und das Retro von den Überlegungen einer Fusion auszuschließen genau so wenig. Ich denke langsam muss gehandelt werden. Die Spieler die in den U-mod gehen bis sich etwas ändert häufen sich!

    Ich supports the proposal of my friend to 100%. Four long time universities make no more sense to exclude and the Retro from the considerations of a coalescence just a little. I think slowly must be traded. The players in the U-mod go to themselves something changes pile up!



    UserID: 42382

    UNI. Retro

  • Ich bin zwar kein Freund von einer Zusammenlegung des Retro mit den andren Unis, aber um eine definitive Meinung der member des Retro zu erhalten, wäre sicherlich eine ingame-Abstimmung, nur im Retro, hilfreich. Hier im Forum liest ja nicht jeder, ins game kommen die meisten wenigstens 1 Mal in 6 Wochen um den umode zu erneuern :) . Aber was haben dann die Leute zu jammern, die schon jetzt nach neuer AZ-Regelung rufen, weil sie von den "Großen" geschrottet / gefarmt werden. In so einem zusammengelegten Uni gäbs dann ja nur fast noch "Große", neue würd es sicher nur für ganz kurze Zeit geben, dann haben die die Nase wieder voll. Wird das Retro außen vor gelassen, hat jeder was davon - die Neuanfänger und die "Alten". Nicht einfach diese Entscheidung...

    Universe Retro - UserID 2006 * Sirius - UserID 51 *Genesis 5 - UserID 47

  • ach steel... die umfrage können wir uns sparen. du würdest si noch zocken wenn du der einzigste wärst... warte mal ab wie viele likes du bekommst.. ich denke du hast die lage nicht ganz verstanden!... ich gebe dir ein tip.. ok?? spiele dort und lösche deinen si-acc ;)

    Edit by Thunderbolt: Link gelöscht, da Fremdwerbung.


    UserID: 42382

    UNI. Retro

  • @'Sartre
    Likes brauch ich nicht. Du etwa? Von farmerama hab ich keine Ahnung, du anscheinend schon :D

    Universe Retro - UserID 2006 * Sirius - UserID 51 *Genesis 5 - UserID 47

  • dann will ich mich mal wieder unbeliebt machen...

    der Vorschlag ist doch Käse, keiner denkt bei solchen Vorschlägen an Andere sondern nur an sich selbst. "ich hab keine Farmen mehr in Retro, macht nix ich lass mich mit dem aktiveren DE zusammenlegen..." sorry, aber so etwas ist Kontra-Produktiv.
    die Meißten hören auf, weil sie keine Perspektive sehen... was soll sich bei so einer Fusion daran ändern? Nix!
    alte Spieler hören auf, wenn sie ihre über Jahre aufgebaute Flotte verlieren und diese Zeit nicht wieder investieren wollen (Stichwort: Flottenversicherung)
    neue Spieler hören auf, weil sie zu früh zu oft gefarmt werden. mit Blick auf die Rangliste sehen diese so keine Chance mal nach ganz oben zu kommen. da kann man mir erzählen wer was will, wenn man ein Spiel anfängt dann möchte man auch mal nach ganz oben... dem macht der aktuelle Vorschlag einen noch größeren Riegel vor. :thumbdown:

    PS: @Sartre, nur wegen dir hab ich steel geliked!^^


  • It is a fact that the game dies ..
    Make a fusion with all the universes .. why not but there will be 3 small problems

    1) Which Universe to choose .. ?? The universe retro or the genesis universe to play there .. ??

    2) Some players have multiple accounts 1 on the retro, 1 on the DE, 1 on the genesis and they invested in this money games (spy or trader to move forward) how to compensate them ... ??

    3) Which of their accounts will they take ??? And will it be in the same place placed as in the universe where it played .. ??

    And a small thing for the computer scientists of the game .. !!! Can you grip the passwords of the players thereafter so that there is no more hacker account .. ??


  • naja wenn man keine gelben mehr in diesen uni bekommt .... anders ausgedrückt wenn sorgsam die zugesteckten Informationen ausgehen weil keine großen flotten mehr gelb werden <X <X <X
    macht das zusammenlegen für dich Sinn mehr unis zusammen zu legen mehr Möglichkeiten falsch zu spielen :P :P :P

    @ Sarte kannst du auch für dich selber sprechen oder bist du nur sein lakai :S :S :S

  • 1) RETRO Universe has been a permanent Universe and GeNeSiS Universe is temporary.

    2) Same as when the new SI came back online after the change over, players would have the opportunity to choose which Universe they would like to keep in the new RETRO. (If something is not done, everybody will lose because the game is losing players in all Universes.)
    Dependent on what items were purchased, it should not be a problem for the assistants to be extended (IMHO).

    3) When the new SI came back online, some shuffling (relocating) of planets had to be done to prevent double ownership of a planet. (I was very happy with my planet relocations).


    The Parker

  • <p>I'm sorry for the late in my answer. I want to tell just one thing to Zuhouserocker: the game need not player like you; nothing else. </p><p>I'm happy that many players are agreed with my idea, but i hope that some GO will answer here.</p><p>Thanks to Parker: i think the same thing. There are solutions to the problems; and i think that Parker's ideas are very good. </p>

  • N0 se que decir en + o -
    sé que el juegos se va muriendo,pero hay alternativas a poner:
    1- traducción de idiomas(soporte para los que no spiking Inglis y no somos Deusland
    somos el 2º o 3er idioma global hablado después del Chino"CASTELLANO"

  • <p>I'm sorry for the strange sign in my messages, but it's not my blame, but there is something strange in this forum.</p><p><br></p><p>Dear players,</p><p>the real problem about the fusion is the multi-account. I mean players that are playing in more than one universe. How we can manage this situation? If we will be able to give a good answer to this question, i think that the fusion will be done. Do you have some ideas or proposal about it? We have to think a solution to this problem and fusion will be done by GO. How we can solve the problem about players that paid cash in game in different universes?</p><p>I wait your answer. Thanks</p><p>Greetings<br></p>

  • My opinions:

    1st.. The LOOP is a patch on a bald tire.. Bad idea ( exception noted below)
    2nd.. Size of Universe. 14X400X16 is waaay to large. Even with a FUSION of UNIVERSES the number of people CAN'T fill it up.. 89600 total planets with 11 planets per person (12 if you pay for it) equals 8145 Accounts. Hell, even with fusion we will be lucky to have, maybe 500 accounts. That's 5500 total planets...
    3rd... The "New Universe" would have to be a lot smaller.. 8X200X16 would be 25,600 planets with 500 accts would fill up 20% of Universe.
    LOOP would work better in this situation.
    4th.. Planet locations. Alliance Reformations.

  • numbers) There are 1000+ non-zero accounts in Retro alone, I would expect at least that number in a fused universe.
    Unless you are implying, and I tend to agree with you there, that most players find the idea of a combined universe so thrilling that we end up with 500 players left after the fusion.
    size) We'll want at least 3x more planets than players (x12). If you pack them too tight there won't be enough space for new (raid-)colonies.

  • <p>What do you think about it? When we will make the fusion, each player
    has to choose his first account, so that account the he would to
    maintein. For the other accounts, we can calculate all cash paid for
    them, and we can apply a conversion rate. For example: for 1 urplasma= 1
    ships; or 1 urplasma=3 hours less of reserch; or 1 urplasma= 3 hours
    less of buildings. What do you think about it? I think that it will be
    very good. (i wrote you strange numbers, we have to think well about
    conversation rate) but it will be good, becouse each player could
    recover his cash like improvements in his biggest account. And we will change also something about astreroids. We can decide for example that each player has to choose and mantein not more than 3 astros. About relocation of planets, we can make a little. I mean that, we will accept relocation of planets given us by system. (Like some years ago).<br></p><p>I wait your answer and answer of GO<br></p>

  • Idea pt 2

    If Fusion is done:
    0 point Accounts will not be fused into new Universe.
    Any Account on Vacation Mode will not be Fused into new Universe. (I think the SI will give at least 30 days notice before FUSION of UNIVERSES.)
    Multiple Universe players, I think probably play in 1 Universe an sit in VM in other Universe. If there is anything transferred from the old Universe to new should only be Urplasma. All fleet and building or research should be lost.

    Also: Size of new Universe should be smaller. As stated above. 14/400/16 is way too big. Eagle thinks 8/200/16 is too small. 10/300/16 would be 48,000 planets. Thoughts on size of new Universe by anyone or any GO or Admin persons.