• Code
    I'm sorry, but Discord is full of ads and sellers who want us to buy a lot of junk. I HATE advertisements and pages that just pop up and disturb what you are doing on your pv.
    so unfortunately you can't join me.
    good day to you.
    • Official Post
    I'm sorry, but Discord is full of ads and sellers who want us to buy a lot of junk. I HATE advertisements and pages that just pop up and disturb what you are doing on your pv.
    so unfortunately you can't join me.
    good day to you.


    you can disable any direct messages to you from not-friends there...

    I know and i also saw many bots entering servers and writing in channels and writing directly to members (not on our bitmeup discord, but on different twitch streamer discords)

    this can happend at any communication software, also in whatsapp, facebook, skype ... i also get bot-requests / texts there, tahts nothing new - if you don't like to communicate / or don't like to get the risk of just reporting messages you dont like to receive, its your opinion/decision - but there is not rly a risk, if you just report them; yes it is annoying.

