    senator is injured, assumes that means you are not German and you are getting too big. venturia otherwise went well but ok, I'll stop playing on it, then you all have to be happy again, then we'll see if I have to shut down crusades too before everyone is happy.


    I don't see any reason to break the game. This game is built brilliantly to give the player max irritation, hopelessness and anger and joy, it's stupid to just start giving away that we can build stones or soldiers up to lev 500, it would be better if new ones could be built things into this old game, new challenges, would be more fun than having wood, on lev 987, snore.
    That's just my opinion.
    Good day to all of you. ken
    I'm sorry, but Discord is full of ads and sellers who want us to buy a lot of junk. I HATE advertisements and pages that just pop up and disturb what you are doing on your pv.
    so unfortunately you can't join me.
    good day to you.
    as I see it. if I only want to play in the new world that is coming, then I don't need to fight my way through the crusades, where I won't amount to anything anyway. so I guess I might as well stop doing anything in crusades and just wait for the new world to come, because I don't have anything to use crusades for anymore, isn't that correct ???
    it must have something to do with the fact that I bought a new PC and put it on, it must be something in it. good to hear that no one else is having this problem, that means it's on my end, thanks for your time. ken
    I go in normally, see it is in English, click on Danish, and when I click on another slot or something else I want to do, it immediately jumps back to English.
    hi when does this Guard season end?
    and when you attack the bandits, is it best to take only the soldiers they are afraid of or is it better to send all the soldiers the castle has against the single bandit, and when it dies then move on to another?
    Thanks in advance for help.
    I'm starting to get tired of this game. Again again. when I have attacked a gray castle and want to return to the list and find the next one, then the list is no more, a list with almost no gray castles is there instead ??. i have tried to update the game, logged out of the game. into gen, and the problem is still there, wrong list being displayed on gray castles. again again