• Ein Kampfstopp sollte sich auch auf laufende Angriffe beziehen. Aktuell laufen die weiter, man kann aber nicht mehr darauf reagieren. Ich hoffe, der Stopp ist so gesetzt, dass alle laufenden Angriffe ins Leere laufen (also auch Angriffe, die erst nach 24h eintreffen).

    ID 368 | W1
  • Attacks don't happen. Troops walked hours or days to visit the enemy's installations.

    In the case of mine, they were not even offered a beer. Not even water!!!

    And then they come back. Thirsty...

    A break of several days will do for everyone. Who ordered the troops to train and who could not react to them - and who spared them the wear and tear.

    Not 24 hours but several days. Time for everyone to go back to their cellars.

    (© 2012 - Once upon a time...)

    W1 - 124
    Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.