• I made my way to a residence and I can't conquer it.
    The status color is either connected or not connected. Even with "connected" color when I do the attack nothing happens - the color changes back to "no connection" - no resources or number of attacks decreased either.
    I tried to reload. I tried to get out and in again. Always the same.
    I spent the resources createing the path and ... nothing.
    Please review the algorithm. Something is not right.

    Immediately after leaving the post, from many previous unsuccessful attempts and without knowing why ... I succeeded.
    Something is not right but ... I got it.

    (© 2012 - Once upon a time...)

    W1 - 124
    Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

    Edited once, last by Nordium ().

  • This also happened to me. I tried to conquer two fields side by side. The first turned green, but was not credited to me and retained the sign of raw materials. The second I could not conquer. Changing between "connected" to "not connected".

    W1 ID 2469

  • :(
    Just quited the conquest of residence. I have other things to do. I can not wait minutes or hours trying. Lose some resources creating the path... Didnt get the residence...
    PLEASE fix it!!

    (© 2012 - Once upon a time...)

    W1 - 124
    Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

    • Official Post

    we have start to investigate that; 99% of all attacks /takovers are correct. We didn't get that error re-created by our own.

    What i can say is that if you get another residence that the error of this one residence is disappearing. So if you had this, takeover another one in that region and you should be able to get the error ressidence.


  • "Dar um jeitinho" in Portuguese. You can not do it the right way try something else... Bend somehow...
    I am Portuguese (with pride) and I know how to "bend". But I do not like it, I do not do it if I can choose!
    Unfortunatly I had only one attack left and I did it on another place after several trys, reloads and on/off. If a had more attacks I would try what you said... I could not choose... another things to do...
    What I know is the algorithm does not work 100%. Not the end of the world but worked against my game, my score.

    (© 2012 - Once upon a time...)

    W1 - 124
    Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

  • Can this error please be looked into again?
    I made a whole path to a decent residence just to be unable to take it.
    I tried several times by refreshing the page, restarting browser, I even took another residence next to it... nothing helped.
    I took some screen shots (not sure if they can help recreate the error).

    EDIT: it worked after half an hour...

  • i also had this problem, after attack it has not been taken and was not attackable then.

    i used 2x the refresh button in top of the map on the reight side, then it worked on third try ;)

    • Official Post

    anytime please make a screenshot; i try to be online as often as possible; but it dosn't helps me to read that a hour ago a problem occours.

    I disabled the caching for this check mechanism; it will be calculated / checked anytime you got a part. If something isn't working after attacking (what i can't validate anymore) you have to press "refresh" or refresh the whole page by F5.

    the calculation runs for each player the same way; if someone can get the field, you should also be able to get the field.

  • The problem remains. Or not totally solved.
    I had it twice today. 2/10.
    This time the refresh button worked. One click on refresh and the square turned red.

    (© 2012 - Once upon a time...)

    W1 - 124
    Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

    • Official Post

    Did you tried to reload the page?

    To explain the problem a bit in detail:
    The map is loaded in 25x25 sequences. Means when you have a border area (like 103 for a 3x3 field) you have to get the left/right or top/bottom or top/left/right/bottom/left/right area also refreshed.
    It seems that there is still a problem (i can't validate this; i tested it many times) where sometimes you dosn't get the correct other sequence.

    With a "reload" of the page or by pressing the reload top right, you get all sequences and you can get these residences.

  • #43987 - screenshot attached
    Try once, try twice... reload...try again...etc...take a screenshot...someone else got it.
    Ofcourse I conquered another square, a bit less interesting. My score is around the planned range - what I can get with the time I can expend.
    BUT its annoying...