• Official Post

    Someone is active on world 1 and has 25 castles with all productions at level 71 and uses all troop bonuses.

    Now this player is also active on world 2:
    There he gains the same amount of troops times 3.

    IF "someone" managed this in the past 3 years on world 2,
    you can do it in the remaining 18 month too.
    How long did you needed for this task in world 1?
    I think you have to redo the math.

  • IF "someone" managed this in the past 3 years on world 2,you can do it in the remaining 18 month too.
    How long did you needed for this task in world 1?
    I think you have to redo the math.

    I didn't take the building time into consideration...
    I just calculated the amount of troops you gain if you start now and produce for 1.5 years.

    The point I want to make is not about the amount of troops you can create it is just an example to show that this bonus is not fair.
    You introduced the military strength rules to protect smaller player but you now decide to give a few players who were smart enough to invest hugely in world 2 (time and money) an advantage over those who invested all their time and money in world 1.
    Every player should be treated equally so every player should get the same bonus (if you want there to be one) on every world or no one should get it.

  • If you want the rest of the player to quit sure it does.
    Why not just merge both worlds WITHOUT any restrictions?
    Without having a bonus for world 2?
    Sounds a lot more fair to me (and believe me a lot of other players).
    The players that are the biggest in world 2 may be a lot smaller then those in world 1, but you have the military strength to protect them.

    Also, why are those players so big there? Because there is no active competition/war against them.
    All they can do is grow at a rate that is not possible for anyone else.

    Why are smaller players in W1 that started like a year ago not receiving this bonus?
    Why only those players in W2?

    EDIT: In your proposal the player in W2 still get the bonus?
    You think I am talking about the fact that you lose 70% of your troops, which I am not.
    I am talking about being able to create that much more troops/that much bigger castles because of the bonus.
    Having one main account that you completely migrate and your secondairy account (other world) with only 10 castles and 30% of the troops is totally fine and fair.
    The problem is that what happens before the migration (upcomming 1.5 years)

    Edited 2 times, last by vanmorris ().

    • Official Post

    did you understand that this bonus (which you dont want) is for the difference of the run time ?

    Players plaing W1 until 2008 - i already wrote (and you already read it) that we have find a average startime of 2011/2012 of players in W1 ...
    World 2 starts in 2016 .. so the difference is about 4years ... 4years = Troops Speed *2 for 1 1/2 years.

    So if you think that this calculation is wrong, its ok, we didn't need to discuss it anymore.

    Stil, all bonuses from mage, upgrades etc are all the same for the next years in W1 / 2.

    So, if you don't want this bonuses for w2 - you don't want to have a fair game for W2 Players. right?

  • I am not saying that this calculation is wrong.
    But why do both worlds have to be 'equal'?
    Why is this decided 3 years after the start of world 2?

    There are only a few players that really benefit from this bonus to get the worlds equal and it are those people that are now very big in world 2.
    All others (the majority) is going to be set back a lot when the 2 worlds migrate.

    Why is it a problem for those players in W2 and not a problem for new players that enter the game?
    Why don't they get a 3 year troop and resources speed to catch up with the bigger ones?

    The players in W2 played on that world, invested their time and money into it but so did all players in W1. It is not because their account is younger or older that they need a bonus to survive in a new migrated world? All you are talking about is 1 average number. But in fact that says nothing. You are not thinking about those people that started the game in world 1 after 2016. They will be fed to the wolves from W2 because of their bonus?

    The military protection was introduced to protect smaller players, why would it not protect them right now?

    • Official Post

    we will talk int he team about this; but you can't give someone a troop speed up who has no troops. So everyone who fights will get there troops back, faster as they one, they troops not lost. So everyone could "erase" troops from anyone, with a catchup speed.
    Im not sure, if you want to safe the game or you want to let this destroy.

    At all, again you ask questions with your statement "after 3years" - it seems like you think that the team and also me are clairvoyants ?
    Did you see this happend, whats happend in w2, on start or this 3 years ago - which you called here.

    Please stop searching for someone who didn't look in a correct future. A world 2 was a good start to takeover damoria; this step was important. Many problems (like the troop bu, other problems (heal bug, etc etc) are the cause of this problems, beside the fact that this kind of game isn't such loved anymore as 10 years ago)

    So please - really please - stop it.

  • I do understand that world 2 was not ideal, but the way this is handled makes me worry.

    I am also not talking about troop speed for anyone who lost troops, but a troop/resources speed for a certain time frame after account creation.

    There was just being looked at the average number of account creation date.
    It should be possible to do a bigger statistical analyses about this?
    Why not look at account creation time from world 1 and world 2 combined? And even take the military strength into account.
    This would give a clear view about who would benefit from this bonus in world 2.
    There is a lot of data in the back-ground of this game.
    It should be possible to do some kind of simulation for the players in world 2 and where they will be after this 1.5 years of bonus.

    If you would then do the comparison (of the combined worlds) from some of those players, it will really show what this bonus will have given those few lucky ones.

  • for a time after account creation this would be ok - but this brings NOTHING to you, your friends and most of your mates... this is just a feature for players who will start in w1 - and who are these player ? correct they one from w2 which you don't want to gave more support.

    im not sure if you know what you discuss here?

    Has there been an analyses of how many people that play on world 2 which also have an account on world 1 and how many of those that don't?
    If not, your statement doesn't make sense.

  • Also, I am not saying that there should be a bonus for 'younger' accounts.
    All I am saying is that everyone should be equal then.
    And not just let those players from world 2 benefit.

  • Also ich verstehe vanmorris ein bißchen, weil ich ähnlich denke.

    In w1 gab es nach der ersten Zusammenlegung riesige Unterschiede ob Truppen oder Schlößer, dies wird nach der Zusammenlegung von w1 und w2 für einige Spieler noch extremer.

    Ich kann mir nur denken (da ich kein w2 Account mehr habe) die dort groß und stark sind auch ihr w1 Account groß und stark ist, wenn die jetzt noch mehr Truppen bekommen auch wenn es nur 30% sind wird die kluft noch größer auf w1.

    Bei guten Spielern schätze ich mit dem Speed und Bonus schaffen sie es in 1 1/2 Jahren 3-4 mrd Truppen.davon können über 1 mrd mit nehmen. Jetzt rechnet mal wie lange ein Spieler brauch auf w1 um diese Truppen zu Produzieren. Es gibt ja immer noch die Militärstärke die kleiner bzw Spieler schützt die weniger Truppen haben.

    Es hilft auch Neuanfänger schneller vor ran zu kommen auf w1

  • Beule wovon hast du denn Angst? Vor wem?

    Alle Welt 2 Spieler haben aktuell insgesamt 100 Mrd Truppen. Also in 3 Jahren konnten die Welt 2 Spieler 100 Mrd Truppen produzieren.

    Welt 1 Spieler haben zusammen 2.950 Mrd Truppen. Im letzten Jahr stieg die Zahl der Welt 1 Welttruppen um über 1.000 Mrd Truppen!

    Welt 2 Spieler haben also knapp 3 % aller Truppen auf Damoria und produzieren nur einen Bruchteil der Truppen, die die Welt 1 Spieler herstellen.

    In 1,5 Jahren wird das Verhältnis noch größer zu Gunsten der Welt 1 Spieler ausfallen, obwohl die Welt 2 Spieler mit doppeltem Speed produzieren. Das sollte jedem klar sein, der das Spiel einigermaßen versteht!

    Ich produziere auf Welt 1 monatliche knapp 1 Mrd. Truppen. Ich kenne Spieler, die das mehrfache produzieren. Davon können Welt 2 Spieler nur träumen!

    Notiere dir doch mal die Militärstärken der TOP Spieler in beiden Welten und vergleiche sie mit den Werten der Vorwoche! Du wirst merken, dass trotz doppeltem Truppenspeed kein einziger Welt 2 Spieler so viel produziert wie die stärksten Welt 1 Spieler!

    Beule, nur weil es für dich keinen Sinn macht, auf W2 einen Account aufzubauen, heißt es noch lange nicht, dass die Zusammenlegung der Welten schlecht ist. Aber wenn ich mir eure Kommentare so durchlese, wird mir schnell klar, warum hier diese Diskussion angestoßen wurde.

    Achja und während du im Forum diskutierst, bauen andere an ihren kleinen Welt 2 Accounts. Ich auch! Ja, man wird in 1,5 Jahren nicht viel aufbauen können. Ok. Aber wenn du gute Freunde hast und sie dich unterstützen, dann wirst du auch auf Welt 2 10 gute Schlösser für deinen Welt 1 Account aufbauen können. :thumbup:

    Edited 4 times, last by Caligula ().

  • Es macht absolut keinen Sinn auf W2 irgendwelche Schlösser hochzuziehen. Jeder der es versucht wird zur Farm. Diese Welt ist kaputt.

    Dann spiele halt keine Kriegsspiele! Dann wirst du auch nicht zur Farm! 8o :D

    Entschuldige, aber deine Aussage ist mehr als lächerlich! :!:

    Zumal es auch gar nicht möglich ist, dass man zur Farm wird, denn du kannst nur von annähernd gleichstarken Gegnern (+/-) angegriffen werden. D.h. dass du nur zur Farm werden kannst, wenn du:

    a) keine Truppen baust und nur Ressourcenproduktionen ausbaust
    b) vergessen hast, dass es hier ein Kriegsspiel ist und es auch ab und an mal gekämpft wird
    c) hier nur Stimmung machen willst, damit der Spielbetreiber sein Vorhaben überdenkt

    Aber mal ehrlich: mit dieser Einstellung wirst du wahrscheinlich eines Tages auch auf Welt 1 zur Farm! :P

    Edited once, last by Caligula ().

    • Official Post

    du hast vanmorris nicht verstanden; der will genau das Gegenteil von dir. Der sagt, das es ungerecht wäre, Spielern auf Welt 1 KEINEN Bonus zu geben. Du sagst, das Spieler auf Welt 1 jetzt noch profitieren könnten von den 30% der W2.

    Die Stimmung hier im Thread schwankt zwischen
    "Welt 2 kann eh keiner was bauen" und "die 30% der Truppen von Welt 2 machen alles kaputt" ... :) ich hoffe jedem ist bewusst das selbst die Community sich hier völligst uneinig ist.

    Wie ich bereits in meinem ersten Beitrag geschrieben habe - man wird es nicht allen recht machen können. Wir denken, dass so wieder viel Spaß in Welt 2 kommen kann; der ein oder andere auch dort wieder richtig anfängt zu kämpfen; die Spieler das eventuell als neues Schlachtfeld sehen - denn, was kannst du verlieren ? 30% der Truppen - ok - aber, mit etwas Geschick kannst du vielen das Leben richtig schwer machen - wir hoffen das mit dieser Möglichkeit der ein oder andere wieder ein bisschen aktiven Damoria Kampfgeist entwickelt - hattest du auch mal Beule oder? ;)

  • @Beule
    du hast vanmorris nicht verstanden; der will genau das Gegenteil von dir. Der sagt, das es ungerecht wäre, Spielern auf Welt 1 KEINEN Bonus zu geben. Du sagst, das Spieler auf Welt 1 jetzt noch profitieren könnten von den 30% der W2.

    Thats is not what I am trying to say...
    I wanted to make clear that world 2 doesn't need that bonus to survive in the new migrated world.
    I just wanted to point out that when you give this bonus to someone it should be given to everyone and not just a few lucky ones that can (ab)use it.
    BUT the main solution (in my eyes) would be to give NO ONE this bonus.

    You just read in my words what you want to read...

    • Official Post

    ok - i started to write a big text but now, i dont do that anymore... you want to say what you want to bring up that you can only counter me.

    here are some statements from you - and they are all from you!


    I am not saying that this calculation is wrong.
    But why do both worlds have to be 'equal'?
    Why is this decided 3 years after the start of world 2?


    All I am saying is that everyone should be equal then.
    And not just let those players from world 2 benefit.



    Why is it a problem for those players in W2 and not a problem for new players that enter the game?
    Why don't they get a 3 year troop and resources speed to catch up with the bigger ones?


    I am also not talking about troop speed for anyone who lost troops, but a troop/resources speed for a certain time frame after account creation.


    I wanted to make clear that world 2 doesn't need that bonus to survive in the new migrated world.


    finally some comments on your posts:


    Also, why are those players so big there? Because there is no active competition/war against them.
    All they can do is grow at a rate that is not possible for anyone else.

    this is the idea behind "catch up" ... dont know if you understand that fact


    I do understand that some players are bigger in world 1 then these players in world 2 but wasn't this new protection system (military strength) made to prevent them from being fed to the wolves?

    Sounds rly fair - so you want to have these players not to grow at all; they should be in the safe zone forever.. Cool, thats what you want - you want that no players have a realistic chance to get this.

    What i will to talk with the team is that fact that we will calculate a good value (maybe place 50 of w1 military ranking) - this kind of troops will be defined (only troops not buildings!) as a maximum for the runtime of this kind of troop prod bonus.

    at all - you say in each of your posts that you "understand" that w2 players startet later, have smaller accounts etc etc - but i think you didn't understand the word "understand".

    We will talk in our next team meeting about the fact that small players also on w1 will get this kind of bonuses. But also there will be a border where someone gets not a bonus.
    So, i write it already, please, believe me, its not possible to get anyone happy.


  • I am not saying that you have to satisfy me.
    I am only trying to explain that this bonus does not seem fair to me.
    I tried my best to do this but it seems that you have an idea and only want to see the positive sides it has without thinking about the negative sides.

    I wish you best off luck with doing this.

  • Hallo.Caligula ich muss dir wieder Sprechen.Deine Zahlen sind Leider Falsch.Die meisten Spieler auf W2 werden für die W1 keine Gefahr sein .Aber ich habe zahlen der Militär stärke von 5.4.2019 und von heute 2.6.2019.Nr.1TCF Jojo 414.514.532 u heute 618.027.784 Nr.2TCF Johnnie Walker 359.537.501 und heute 531.624.647 .Nr.3TCF2 Kampfbereit 339.984.921 und heute 503.915.569.Nr.4TCF Master James 236.956.728 und heute 364.858.963 .Nr.5TCF 215.798.447 und heute 268.022.607.Wie Mann sehen kann gibt es Spieler die ca. 100 Millionen Militär Stärke im Monat zu legen ohne den jetz spiet.Was glaubs du wo die den sind in 20 Monaten.Wenn die dann auf W1 kommen und sie haben da kein Account.Den werden die unter 20 Top Militär Stärke landen.Wenn das keine gefahr für W1 sie.Den hast das Spiel hier nicht verstanden. :( :(