• I've been trying to colonyze a planet for a while, and spent a huge amount of colony ships without being able to get a +300 planet there. Is is possible that some specific planets can't reach big field number?

  • Those with the planet number in the middle mostly. Its possible to do colonize big planet with a big or smal number but ittakes a lot of time and colony ships to do this.
    Try something between 6-7-8-9-10-11, it will be easier to get a big score.

    We're part of a story, part of a tale
    Sometimes beautiful and sometimes ... insane

  • maybe the game developer want u to pay a bit more money and get +10 field on the planet.i also have trying to get 350 fields with at least sent 300 colony ships and the most that i get was just 317 fields.before bitmeup u get a chance with 350+ field with 20 shot but now no u cant.i think that the max fields that u will get is 320 and no more.after u pay money and get it 420 fields...so frustating

  • it is possible. i spent dozens of colony ships to a single spot and i haven't got more than 300 fields. the maximum i saw was 350, 330, 320, 315, 300 all those are possible with no money invested

  • Great! And where can we enter the old SI forum to get a closer look on that? can you post the link?

    An unrelated question: with the flower event some players eventually got an extra planet. Is it only temporary before we all get that spot too?

  • Unfortunately very late to the party, but I colonized my whole starsystem until I got maxed out fields to give myself a good start. This took me a month to pull off.

    With 3.038 total colonization flights I found out that planet position determines the max amount of fields (not temperature). I discovered the following for my starsystem:

    1: 280 max fields.

    2: 280 max fields.

    3: 280 max fields.
    4: 340 max fields.
    5: 340 max fields.

    6: 340 max fields.
    7: 340 max fields.

    8: 340 max fields.

    9: 380 max fields.

    10: 340 max fields.

    11: 280 max fields.

    12: 280 max fields.

    13: 280 max fields.

    14: 280 max fields.

    15: 280 max fields.

    16: 280 max fields.

    Looking at the results it seems like the starsystem is defined by multiple zones. You have the 280 field zone and the 340 field zone. Only one planet with 380 fields. Unfortunately I was unable to get a max field of 400. It seems to be capped at 380 for me (as far as I know).

    I am curious about other star systems if they are exactly the same or that the 280/340 field zones are shifting a bit.


    To do this relatively fast you have to sent colony ships every few minutes to one planet (try to divide the amount of travel time by the fleetbase level you use) to have the fastest possible results. When the colony ship arrives you have to check immediately if it has the max amount of fields. If not, delete the planet immediately and sent another colony ship. Unfortunately sending multiple colony ships for raid colonies does not work, so you have to be more patient with those sending one at a time.