"Normalerweise bekommt man kostenlose Zaubersprüche für jeden mittleren und großen Landsitz, den man freischaltet. Die Tatsache, dass es diesmal nicht passiert ist, ist in der Tat ein Fehler. Es wird geprüft."

    "Normally, you get free spells for every medium and large estate you unlock. The fact that it didn't happen this time is indeed a mistake. It is checked."

    (© 2012 - Once upon a time...)

    W1 - 124
    Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

    • Official Post


    the bug is fixed since about 5 hours... the problem here is that we had a problem (from our failure some days ago) that some scripts are not correctly updated. This means, we don't know when the fix is correctly updated, but its at least at 13 o'clock (CEST).

    We have now to check if we find a way to rebook this, otherwise we may will expend the crusade by one day.

