• Hello to all,I mainly address the server managers and the few active players.

    Sad but true, this wonderful game is slowly becoming inactive.

    Few players, even less active.

    My proposal, which I think is shared by everyone, is to advertise the game.

    I am not an online game marketing expert but I believe that those in charge know how to make this game at least double the number of subscribers.

    Since it's a game where you can buy features, I think the funds are there.

    It would be a disappointment to see this game become dull, with no players.

    My proposal is the following: Is it possible to advertise the game in order to attract new subscribers?




    The biggest enemy hides in the last place you look.

    - (Julius Caesar, 75 BC)

  • I agree that advertising would help, the problem is more player retention I believe. People build up that fleet for a couple months and :cursing: POP :cursing: along comes someone and fleet is gone. ?( They walk away, I think some people play for a couple months and still don't get the concept of Escape Flight. Maybe a pay option for noob players to recoup some of their fleet the first time they get a fleet over 100k under 500k in fleet back?

  • I agree that advertising would help, the problem is more player retention I believe. People build up that fleet for a couple months and :cursing: POP :cursing: along comes someone and fleet is gone. ?( They walk away, I think some people play for a couple months and still don't get the concept of Escape Flight. Maybe a pay option for noob players to recoup some of their fleet the first time they get a fleet over 100k under 500k in fleet back?

    Vero is a very challenging game, and with regard to the fleet in case it is destroyed it would be a hard blow to play again. One idea could be the construction of a building that regenerates part of the fleet after 24 hours, for example each level increases the fleet regeneration rate. Obviously a building with medium material costs and at each level is regenerated 5% of each type of ship destroyed. That would make sense.


    The biggest enemy hides in the last place you look.

    - (Julius Caesar, 75 BC)

  • In my understanding, the operators have done advertising over the last few years, in particular on facebook. Everyone has their opinion on what advertising is best, but it certainly isn't cheap.

    I think the unfortunate reality is that people just aren't playing MMO games anymore. To do the level of advertising that drew me to the game 12 years ago under Bigpoint requires two things that Bitmeup might not have:
    1 - Lots of people wanting to play MMO games
    2 - Lots of money from those lots of people...

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  • well the MMO part is one point. The othe rProblem is Sci-Fi itself. The Sci-Fi setting is what we call in german a "Nieschen-Produkt" that means you only have a limited pool of user so you can say its not compatible to the masses.

    • Official Post


    as said by others and to be brutally honest, online marketing and advertising is hard and challenging.

    We tried many things, but are yet to find anything good including the following:

    • random advertising to anybody
    • target advertising to specific groups
    • paying money for registrations for players playing the game

    Problem with all of them is mainly player retention.

    Lets take one example of us throwing money out the window:

    If we have (example, but very close to reality!) to pay 3€ per player which is at least clicking on one universe and creating an account, we spent enough to gain over 2000 players there, and check our database few weeks later to see all players left, many without even building fusion plant level 1, we dont like the company offering this service to us.

    So if there is anybody having a good idea how to advertise please feel very free to contact us here or via conversation and share your ideas!
    We are interested and funding advertisement should be possible if its resonable.

  • Sorry ist mir gerade zu komplex ums auf Englisch zu schreiben....

    Nehmt Kontakt zu verschiedenen Streamern bei Youub und Twitch auf. Viele von denen veranstallten für ihre Community Gewinnspiele wo es kleinere Preise zu gewinnen gibt. Bietet denen an bei so einem Gewinnspiel die Presie zu stiften, wenn sie euch dafür im Video einblenden und den Link zum Spiel drunter vermerken (ggf mit nem kleinem Promocode wo dann bei Registration gleich ein Resi/ Flottenpaket dabei ist).
    Die erreichen recht viele Leute und solche Gewinnspielpreise die die Verlosen sind meist relativ billig.

    Am Besten bietet es sich da an Streamer zu nehmen die sich auf Anime spezialisiert haben, denn das ist gerade ein Hype und ihr könntet da auch gleich Mebula bissel anpreisen, denn das fällt sogar in die Sparte Anime (naja im weiterem Sinne).

    Ich würde das sogar so koppeln, dass wenn jemand eines eurer Spiele spielt er durch Ingame Ziele Belohungen für andere Games von euch freischalten kann. Mal als Bsp wer bei SI 2m und10m Punkte erreicht kann dann ein bestimmtes Mebuli (heißen die Tierchen so?) erhalten. Da kann man sogar bestimmte Eventmebuli gestallten die andere Farbgebung haben oder sowas, die man nicht auf anderem Wege erhalten kann. Und umgekehrt auch wer bei Mebula Lvl X erreicht bekommt bei SI Res / Schiffe what ever....

  • I first started this game in 2009 and player retention was the same then. The issue is the game itself. As mentioned earlier, if you spend 6 months building a fleet and it gets destroyed then you will just quit.The game is gret because it is so slow but that is also its down fall. Rebuilding takes many months and people just dont have the patience to rebuild after being destroyed.

  • Yeah, player retention is different to initially attracting players.

    I think it is possible this thread is talking about two very different problems. Finding people who will give the game a try is the original OP's point, but even if that could be solved, keeping those players is something that needs some effort that is not connected to advertising. Maybe a different thread could be started to discuss that.

    I honestly don't know what to suggest regarding advertising, but I think KajugaChisei has some good ideas there. I agree with Dschibait that paying for "clicks" is useless. Lots of organisations exist that will offer your game many registrations for a fee, but no change in actual player numbers happens over the long term.

    I did see an article recently that suggested there most probably will be an increase in the MMO market among millennials by 9.7% over the next 3 to 4 years (statistical study done by an academic group), so there is potential to grow the game right now. I just don't have much experience or knowledge of how to act on that...

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