• Hello,
    Today I saw, with a great surprise, a corrections auction bug in my two accounts 1 in w1 y 1 in w2, the sum is almost -5 million thalers. Obviustly I don,t agree with these corrections and I sent a message to the support, and I hope and explanation How and Why do I had that extra money. In any case , this post don,t go about money or quantities and neither about errors, this post go about communication, please before removing points, money or anything it would be appreciated a previous explanation, it is a matter of kindness. Thanks in advance for your understanding.

    • Official Post


    i run this repair script this morning; we have to define if some users are banned from this feature for the upcoming tournaments; there are so big amount of thalers (i also think that your 5m are rly much, but not the highest value i saw) that we have to think about clearly bugusing.

    only to explain it:
    these are all auctions which has no bids - this results in that fact, that after finishing (without any bid) the thalers which are the start bid are booked to the auction creators account.
    Thats defintly a bug - maybe you dont noticed it, but when i saw playres with 50M thalers - i think they should notice it!


  • Thanks for your quick explanation, 5 mm thalers are the sum of 2 accounts , nothing about 50 mm , please check it and return my thalers , because is the result of days buying and selling items . thanks in advance.

  • Wow crazy. I currently have 53mm most from missions and the ingame trader but not using the auction market since multiple weeks or even month because item level is always too low on the auction market.

    Are thalers important on tournament part ?


    ID 255 in World 1 Damoria
    ID 171 in World 2 Damoria

    Ein Bier ist kein Bier.
    Wer zwei trinkt, kann auch drei trinken.
    Nach drei Bier, hol ich mir doch noch ein Viertes.
    Ach komm, was ist schon ein Sixpack.
    Hmm der leere Kasten ist mein Kopfkissen.
    Heute kauf ich mir eine Brauerei.

    • Official Post

    Did you got anything reduced?

    This bug happend without any controlling of the user; a player can force it, but when no one bids on your auction you will get bugged thalers.
    Thalers are not important for the tournament, but for gear, upgrades and skills. So, if we see specific situations where someone put an crapp item into the auction house without any reason for many 100k+ thalers, than we will - maybe - ban him from the tournament part.

    this isnt a final decision.

  • Ah ok nice. I do not see any change in thalers because i do not sell my items in auction. I just also demolish all items, also titan items up to level 39 by using the ingame trader. I only keep level 40 now.

    So you say the bug only occurs by placing somethin in auction and when it is not bought... Then it does not effect myself


    ID 255 in World 1 Damoria
    ID 171 in World 2 Damoria

    Ein Bier ist kein Bier.
    Wer zwei trinkt, kann auch drei trinken.
    Nach drei Bier, hol ich mir doch noch ein Viertes.
    Ach komm, was ist schon ein Sixpack.
    Hmm der leere Kasten ist mein Kopfkissen.
    Heute kauf ich mir eine Brauerei.

  • Did you got anything reduced?

    This bug happend without any controlling of the user; a player can force it, but when no one bids on your auction you will get bugged thalers.
    Thalers are not important for the tournament, but for gear, upgrades and skills. So, if we see specific situations where someone put an crapp item into the auction house without any reason for many 100k+ thalers, than we will - maybe - ban him from the tournament part.

    this isnt a final decision.

    It occurs to me that you can limit the initial priceof ITEM in the auction that way the offering of bad items for exorbitant prices is limited, it occurs to me x100, that is, if it is worth 1,000 thalers the maximum price that I can put asthe initial price of the auction 100,000...

    Keep calm and fix it!

  • i dont like a limt ... i sold an item for 3.333.334 that was initial worth maybe 20.000 :)
    i like to put bigger prices cause there are people that are ready to pay for it or just misclick ^^ and i think there is no need cause the bug is fixed now.

    i also think that most people did not recognize it, especially if you do not really care much about "garde".
    for example in world 1 i did not recognize 26.360 and on world 2 not even 1.448.052 of bugged thaler :)

    • Official Post

    Just an idea, on the comment of Dschibait.https://board.bitmeup.com/index.php/User/2-Dschibait/

    He didn't refer to the fact that some items were placed on the
    market for a much higher price than the estimated value, he
    simply pointed out that we are checking the logs for intentional
    BUG using.
    If you place some arm protection (defence 125 and no ohter bonus
    = crap item) "worth" 24 thaler for 100k at the market place, you are
    knowing no one will buy it for such price, it's obvious that you were
    trying to use the BUG.
    There is nothing reprehensible in the effort getting the best deal.

    • Official Post

    understand your suggestion :) yeah, could be an option - but for mounts, blessings and maybe titanforged items, we (i think agree with that) need still this unlimitation.

    there are so rare items, thats ok for me that you spend million of thalers to them :)
    but now, with the hotfix, it makes not rly sense to push high price crapp items into the auction house, you have still the auction fee which should control this.

  • If you place some arm protection (defence 125 and no ohter bonus crap item) "worth" 24 thaler for 100k at the market place, you are knowing no one will buy it for such price, it's obvious that you were trying to use the BUG.

    I buy many crap items and pay a high price just to give a little bit of support to those who started late. They will need good weapons in the tournament to balance the low level of their knights. They will need Talers to buy them. I sell a lot of items at a high price and don't know what to do with all the Talers since there are only few interesting items for me on the auctions.

    This is a test phase and players play with different velocities. Also not all conditions were clear to everybody (or misunderstood). Some started with 1 or 6 knights only and will have to buy more items for the later ones. There's no fun (and no gain of experience) to fight low level knights equipped with low level weapons.