• I would love to know who the game moderators are in the game.

    I read a lot on the forum and it feels to me that moderators have an preview in what happens in the game.

    Would it not be fair to know who we are talking to, because you have an interest in the game.

    So my questions is easy:
    - could the moderator team please introduce themselves and tell us who you are in the game.

  • I need to say it is solely up to them. Considering possible revenge actions and other threats because of being "known" it is a question of personal matter.

    While in SpaceInvasion there are good chances to keep your "empire" (at least in the universes you have no powers anyways and therefore you are allowed to play) save i would say in Damoria chances are higher to get massively under pressure if someone was pissed of because of changes, bans or whatever. Depending on how well known you're as person in RL it might even be more of an interest to keep a low profile.

    So i can see a point of having an interest in keeping the privacy as Admin/GO. Therefore i would not count on any further information which where not provided anyways. Just be sure that usually a Gameoperator, Admin - whatever you want to call it - at least had a live as a gamer before in the game he/she/it tries to serve now, so is not completely unknowable about the game.

  • That is true, but as a game admin you know all updates before hand an are able to react to them before the rest knows about them.
    When the players know you are the admin, they will be more careful in what your actions are and it will become obvious if you should take advantage of knowing all updates beforehand (NOT saying the admins to such things, but it creates a certain form of control).

    • Official Post

    its one of my jobs to choose and control our admins. from time to time i check what they have done before the update. Generell, in last update, no one of our team mates will have a benefit from this. Also before where we changed the wall, the senate or the market they didn't have build something before.

    The team don't want to let anyone know about how or where they are. Simply, with an strange change like that our admins build all markets before the market update - you could know who there are - did you?