• I want to open a discussion about problem (at least from my perspective it`s a problem) of the flying cost. When fleet is a small u don`t see that, but when your fleet becoming bigger and bigger u starting to see that. Yeah, u can consider that as crying, but i think many players already face it, when u have fleet, but u don`t use it, because it`s not worth to fly. Because 98% of your flying are for nothing and every fly cost your tens/thousands millions of spice. And i flying on pheonixes the most, can`t imagine how it`s for players with BS`s/stealth bombers.

    When u start spending so many resourses for nothing u would come to conclusion, that better not to fly, and build on theese resourses something else (like mines or more fleet - for me one flight with full fleet cost me minimum 4k pheonixes, and every flight i face with the same dilemma, am i ready to loose 4k pheonixes for nothing?). That`s why for me it`s much more intersting to play on "low", because only one limitation for flying is your time, that u spending on the game. And now even if i have time to fly, i don`t do it. That could lead player to the point - that game become boring.

    Yeah, u can say that it`s just "crying", and argue that now event give players huge amount of resourses, but still. Resourses are limited, and it doesn`t resolve the problem, just delaying it.

    I want to see your opinions of the all players about it (maybe i`m terribly wrong and it`s not a problem at all), and how Team members see this. Now they have statistic of the amount fuel, that players spending on flights. Maybe u should add to the game some research/building, that will decrease amount of the spice, or reduce it directly for all.

  • I can agree with GoReU here. I feel the same. When you are small this is not a problem. But when you are big and need to use quite offen big fleet you are out of Spice fast. So yes....it would be nice to have something here.

    Fuel reduction system - like minning technology in reserach would be helpfull here.

    Maybe instead looking for quest, and other event sollutions how to go down with research time down we it would be better to make second research lab and new researches on it also.


    We're part of a story, part of a tale
    Sometimes beautiful and sometimes ... insane

    • Official Post

    we have 2 options planned with the quest/alliance update to reduce fly costs.
    If this is such important for you, you can go for it with this features.

    but so you don't get other (also nice) features.