• Thank you for working on the solution to the last problem, I would like to ask one question.

    "We've added advanced mechanisms for game operators so they can check abuse of this rule with just a few clicks. This helps them to control. As soon as more than 25 espionage / transports / attacks on a player take place in a dangerous situation, this will have consequences for you if its reported by the other player. However, if in harmless situation a scan of all your planets is made by a player, this will have no consequences. Here we appeal to common sense."

    I understand that this record "However, if in harmless situation a scan of all your planets is made by a player, this will have no consequences. Here we appeal to common sense", says that a normal game during which the limit of 25 attacks will be exceeded will not be punished (but will be observed or something like that), but while attacks not aimed at destroying the oponent (in the sense that these are attacks let's call them "malicious") will be punished?


  • 25 Times per 24 h??

    to explain exactly
    1. I can attack 1 player 25 times or maybe 1 player can be attacked 25 times?
    2. Limits of attack on one planet have been retained? but all in all I can not do more than 25 attacks?

    I do not see a zero-level possibility of assessing such a situation. We will have to trust you. It would be easier to block such a player after the 25th attack. Well, let's see how it works.

    Please, answer these 2 points. Thank you.

  • No 25 Times per moment. At any given moment you are not allowed to have more then 25 active flights towards one person. You can spy somebody one million times per day if there are not more then 25 flights at the same time.

    ah, ok everything is clear now

    Simply, playing normally, I do not have to be afraid of anything. I do not tend to send 25 attacks at the same time.
    And one more question and I do not get tired anymore, I can send 3 attacks, my ally can send 25 attacks, or 22 attacks?


  • Now i dont get it :d This part


    As soon as more than 25 espionage / transports / attacks on a player take place in a dangerous situation

    In a dangerous situation.
    Dangerous situation - when hi is intrcepted and i should not make his escape hard ? As i understand.

    So if i gonna hit his fleet firts and i will see that he is not on line i can send attacks to all of his colonys to farm him "to the end", and this will accepted ? 14 planets x 3 attacks (minus one what i already used to hit him)
    This is not a dangerous situation in my opinion now - is this ok ? Or still i need to count those attacks to 25 at this point ?

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    Sometimes beautiful and sometimes ... insane