• I think it would be good to have a system that rewards active new players, speeding up their growth. I know, there is gold that do a similar service, but I think that many new players will spend money when they feel they are included in the game, they will spend money when they start to have fun but knows that with gold they will be more big, and could moltiplicate their numbers and increase the fun.

    Right now new players look at their little castle of thousands points, then they look at the hundred millions and billions points that many player have, then they look at the pace of the game, then they quit. I'm not saying new players should reach important numbers without gold really fast, i'm saying right now new players feel they count nothing for too much time, and during that time they will quit.

    Thank you for the attention, bye!

  • Hallo Nero,

    ich habe mir darüber auch schon meine Gedanken gemacht. Ich persönlich finde den Vorschlag nicht schlecht! Ich werde dies mal vorbringen.

    Wie dies umzusetzten ist, ob überhaupt, kann ich leider nichts dazu sagen. Aber eine Überlegung ist es allemal Wert.

    Gruss Toadie

    P.S. ich Antworte mal auf deutsch, da mein englisch nicht sehr hilfreich ist für dich, bitte übersetzte es.

    • Official Post

    with a speed-up-system (dont know if you have already seen this in spaceinvasion) is only to get a fast start not to get an first place... To give this oppertunity you need to open a new world.

    But yes, i already think (and researched) about this idea to bring this feature from spaceinvasion into the damoria code.
    To explain a bit more about this in spaceinvasion:

    you get a 10x speed until you have reached 0.1% of the points of place 1st.
    if you have 0.5% you get 5x and so on.
    You need to get 1% of your points to enable this... And its enabled for only 24h
    THis means, you need to be active to let this bonus active.

    But atm, i have some problems with this multi-speed in damoria. The Game is basicly providing this feature but not only for one player. So i need to find a solution to get this done.


  • I know nothing about programming, but maybe it would be technically easier if this speed up is triggered from the single new players(?). After the tutorial they can be directed to the premium section (so they will start to see the other promotion if they like), then they will activate the speed up button.