• Hello,

    Everything is said in title, i skilled 2 points in "the fleeter" specialization ten days ago, and i have yet to get the benefits from it.

    I'm still locked at 3 attacks per day on Spacia planets, so there is no doubt that it's not working.

    Is it a well known bug? If so when will i be able to profit from my specialization?

    Theres no infos available for most of the features ingame, so if theres bugs on top of that, it sucks the small amount of fun i could get playing a game with a 50 player base :(

    Thanks in advance for your help!

  • You cent get more then 3 Attack on spacia. The Fleeter Spec 1 or 2 bonus attack only count for players that have more then 5kk total points since then those players can only attack spacia 1x per day and not 3 so the bonus attacks from fleeter can be used to get more then 1 attack per day.