• hello I find that although the banned players are black it avoids confusing them with active players but who cannot attack

    I have already asked it several times but making all the banned players go gray would be a good thing because the merchants are good but it does not affect everyone, on the other hand gray castles it affects everyone is that spice up


    • Official Post

    right now the team can't open anyone who is banned; there are many problems like bug troops or other facts why a player is banned.

    in modern cases of banning procedues we try to keep the players and reduce troops or whatever - but, in old cases, it wasn't handled that way.

    We are thinking about to removing them complete from the game. but right now, there is no decision about that.

  • thank you for this quick response

    it is true that it is better to reduce the troops or the domain of a player than to ban him for life

    after it would be good if there are 3 levels of troop reductions for example 30 or 50 or 70, I find that beyond 70 rare are the players who want to stay on Damoria

    can be offered to the player to be blocked for 2 or 4 or 6 months can be left a choice, these are only proposals

    on the other hand for the players banned defenitively it would be surely easier for you to make them disappear but if you think a little about the players is with the activity that this could bring in the game then it would be good to make them turn gray

    best regards