• I can confirm that the meat party resource bonus does not actually work. I strongly believe the crusade bonus also does not work properly.
    I have ran several tests and can confirm with 100% certainty that the meat party resource bonus does not work.
    Just an FYI.
    After 4 hours of resource building with meat party 100% the game shows building at 25,314,952 each per hour. The outcome should have been about 101,000,000 each resources. Instead is was approximately 50,400.000 each resources. (Nothing was built and troops were not recruited at this time) I have tested the same with several castles and all do the same.

    Edited 4 times, last by 306Kimberly: add details ().

    • Official Post


    any issue, problem or anything else what you report should contain:
    - world
    - userid
    - castle where you tested that
    - as many informations as you can give (you do that)

    Did you checked attacks or a running trade master?

    Would be nice if other players could look on that numbers too, to verify that.


  • World 1
    userid 276
    castle tested, many including the castle I just now tested again for over 4 hours ,,speed. gunner86

    Castle has full resource production and is not using resources for trader or recruit during the test. Should have produced over 112.000.000 x 3 resources (25.314.952 per hour. Actually produced half of that in the last 4 hours. I have numerous timed screen shots.

    It would be good if others can test and confirm to see if it account specific.

    Update Edit 2 hours later. Now seems to be working properly in the above castle on the last 2 hour test.

    Edited 2 times, last by 306Kimberly: Update Edit 2 hours later. Now seems to be working properly in the above castle on the last 2 hour test. ().