• I think the new game is a good addition! Thank you for coming up with this. But is it possible to give the game a grid so that you can more easily indicate and remember a position? Like; recidence # 158 on section X15

  • From my point of view it is more messy by coordinates, but good acceptable, but the best way is to look for the residence the residence number #xxxxx but for some problem it does not work well, the majority of residence numbers do not work and they do not look for the residence marked.

    Perhaps as a suggestion, the grid of the map could be enlarged enough so it would cover a greater number of residences and the zoom would be more effective. As an improvement I would modify the page format. Perhaps they would remove the data from the left side, troop resources etc of damoria, since for the game The Crusade it is not interesting to see it on that page and it would put the scoring options, troops on the left side of the page and the game statistics on the right side . So I would optimize the whole page to the game ...

    since although implemented in damoria it is for the game of crusade it is indifferent to see the majority of damoria data.

    Keep calm and fix it!

  • hello,

    2 points from my side:

    is it possible to add arrows for navigation, north, south, east, west that it is also possible to navigate through the crusader map with the phone (like the common map) for me it is not possible to log in every day with the laptop.

    is it possible to move to the residence when you search for it? at the moment when i look for a higher number i have to scroll the whole map to find the residence

    thank you

    • Official Post

    Ok, thanks for your feedback!

    the following changes are rolled out a minute ago:

    - the left menu is disappeared - we have so more space to show the map
    - the top view is moveing down
    - a X/Y "jump to" option is now available
    - you can now jump to residences (ids) which are not on your view ... he will get the correct position automaticly
    - the map is now moveable by touches - didn't tested many devices yet, but i think it should work fine :)


  • thank you now i can also move with the phone that works good with the iphone :D

    do i need special settings for IOS that i can attack/watch the fields? i asked a friend and with the samsung chrome browser it is possible to attack, with the Safari and IOS surface i can only move around :)

    thanks in advance


  • thank you,

    now it works, that is no problem, the quality with the iphone is pretty good.

    yea i know that this game is designed for the pc use, just when you are on the way or in the bed you dont have the laptop there :D
