• Hi today in the morning I shoud intercept all fleet of Raphaël_972, he attack my alliance mate . He should hit him according clock of SI and servers at xx:xx:xx I got screen for that SCREENSHOT-EDIT but I hit him 11 sec later ..SCREENSHOT-EDIT can you explain me that ???He use bugs ?? because he should lost all his fleet !!! What the f...ck and of course I miss....

    Can somebody explain me that ?

    Thanks <X

    • Official Post

    why do you think that a 11sec escape flight isn't possible?

    first, the player knows what is coming back so he can put anything into the fields; thats 2 clicks in 11 seconds. I saw escape flights with under 4 seconds - which is much much harder. 11seconds isn't such fast at all - finally why you didn't attack with an attack which comes a bit earlier?

    I think - but we will see - that the go will answer you the same like i did here.

  • Dschibait I mean attack not escape flight!! I ask why attack should hit planet 11 sec later like was been on plan and Si clock and system . Im asking how its possible ??? example : Attack should hit planet at 00.00.00 but Attack hit planet at 00.00.11 ....how its possible ?>???

    • Official Post

    ok - now i understand the problem.

    i log any lagg greater than 5seconds ... and i didnt have any laggs in past 30 days in all of our universes. (laggs not down times - this are different things)

    So basicly the time you see on the top of the menu is YOUR local time. The timestamp in your message boxes is OUR server time.
    So if you change your time (on your pc) to another time you will see the top clock is also changing.
    Only for SI2 we start having a Server Time display on the interface.

    But this differences only appear if you only look to the false time. If you have started a flight wich comes (with that count down) up some seconds after the returning - its keep that difference in seconds; means if you have an attack which comes 3 seconds after the returning fleet, it will keep with that 3sec

    So if you get a time from your friend who is calling 01:00:00 and you start this by the time on the menu to plan this - you will have a difference - because your PC time isn't exactly that what our server has as time.

  • I dont understand something : every single attacks was correct , but this one no!, so you try to tell me yours severs they are not in Europe ? and your times zone they arent: Amsterdam ,Berlin etc ? I play so many years on This game and I didnt see something like that !! I intercept attacks on Genezis and was been fine , on uni 3 was been fine ....on this uni was been fine .Only with this attack its not correct? strange ...

    • Official Post

    im not sure what you want to explain here to me. Go to SI2 and see your differences in the top left menu - its also for me that im a second behind the server time of spaceinvasion.

    So the team will see into our logs if this is a bug (but i dont think so) or its just a time issue. Basicly the team dosn't destroy the fleet you "may" could destroy.. so what we are talking about is only the spice costs for that and to find a bug.


  • i log any lagg greater than 5seconds ... and i didnt have any laggs in past 30 days in all of our universes. (laggs not down times - this are different things)

    I speak herewith ..
    I'm repeatedly aware that we have different flight times in Sirius.
    I have noticed this once in an attacking fleet and it comes to me every day in spying on ..
    However, I did not pay any special attention to what might now turn out to be a mistake.

    For example, I noticed in an attack on an inactive that the first wave, after the second wave arrived ..
    what can be annoying with a yellow player sometimes ..

    where it falls on me every day but is spying ..
    For example, I first spy on the coordinate 1.390, second the coordinate 1.300, then I switch to 1.350 and spy there .. and the spy reports appear with me with time stamp in reverse order ..
    the last espionage arrives first and the first one last.

    Since I have to change the galaxy card with every espionage and then send out the spy probe I have a loss of time of up to 20 seconds from the first to the last spy probe ..

    as I said, I paid little attention because it was just about espionage or attacks on inactive ..
    In the case of an attack on an active player, however, this can have enormous effects, which I did not consider during my observation.

    Vor Inbetriebnahme des Mundwerks, Gehirn einschalten !
    Hat so manchen schon vor dummen Antworten bewart !

    Sirius: HuiBuh, UserID: 61