• Hello

    migrating worlds to a single world more than 2 years ago one of my 2
    account did not succeed fuissioned with my main account and since he and
    stuck, now that moderators are doing a good job I would like to know if
    I could recover on my main account my old main castle of my second account and his troops ???

    during the migration I reported the problem but nothing was done. that's why now I would like to recover my castle

    here is the name of my main chateau which has been blocked since the migrations

    Player's name: kratos
    Contact information 112 | 408

    as you will see it and sharing connections with seguinloic0164 who and my main account

    kratos was on the world 2 and
    seguinloic0164 was about the world 1

    normally kratos would have merged with seguinloic0164 but there was a bug and kratos and still get stuck



  • Hello,
    I assume that you mean the migration of 4 years ago. Apparently you played there Ge1 and Ge2?

    I'm sorry, but we have no access to that. We can not access the data under Bigpoint. These are permanently deleted.

    Greetings Toadie

  • yes I was talking about the migrations of about 4 years ago (time passes so fast) and yes I spoke of eu1 and eu2

    if I understand correctly you told me that my castles and definitely lost ??



  • yes yes 4 years ago and very long I agree with you !!

    you will see the account is not banned there and just blocked during
    the migrations and the account has never become gray, it's been 4 years
    since nobody and connect and that the account has no vacancy substitute
    but it does not not gray, at the time the moderator told me that there was no problem but as you see the account has a problem

    that the moderator have evolved a lot and do a very good job was why I
    reapplied because the account had a very big army and never put a lot of
    money to make it grow

    I understand that my approach is late


    • Official Post

    We have 4years ago got a extra login sequence by bigpoint to validate that your accounts are your accounts (like now with the new accounts) ...

    Why i should gave you an account where i can't validate that this is really your account? I got no information about your year at bigpoint ... the only thing i got was a 6 month takeover login procedure which you ddidn't use...

    Sry but we can't do anything... If you write to me after the time frame now, where you can transfer your account to bitmeup - you will get the same answer - this takeover time (3 months) is for that you takeover your account - if you don't do that, he will be lost.

    I have no passwords, payment information or private data got from bigoint to validate afterwards something... i have got this login procedure which YOU NEED TO USE.

  • here is the information that I can give you

    • Game name damoria
    • User name ~ KRATOS ~
    • User Id: 369760255
    • Server eu2

    and here
    Deine ID: 535894689652543488 kratos (new world) before I can get to connect the day after the migrations

    damoria trying to solve the problem but the damoria side everything worked while my side nothing was working

  • That does not help us anything. We do not have access to the data as they have been deleted. The deadline for the migration was 3 months, so all data was deleted. And not from our side!
    It makes no sense to send us old user id that we no longer have access to.

    Greetings Toadie