• Hello ,
    I give you a suggestion , please deleted zeros in points and troops , is wasted time work with these figures. Billions points and troops in a game from middle age? . Thanks in advance.
    Another suggestion, increase size of maps. Unless 1 map "king size".

  • Hello,
    how do you imagine that? The players have invested money, and now we are to cancel troops and points?
    I agree with you, in the Middle Ages there were no such numbers, but this is not implemented 1: 1. This is a game, the epoch is thank God over ;)

    Also, I see no reason to enlarge the map, the field is big enough.

    greeting Toadie

  • Hello,
    First of all, thanks Toadie for your kind answer , but you have not convince me at all . Big ang little players do not lost anything , only zeros. Any way, is your point of view.
    In other hand, You said" I see no reason to enlarge the map , really don,t see any reason? . May be when this word began it was enough, but now , more players have castles in others continents and it,s impossible to see nothing. It,s your View.
    Thanks .

  • Hello,
    I'm not a game administrator, nor a programmer.

    what I wrote is my personal opinion and assessment.

    could certainly delete zeroes, but we would have to do that in the
    research of the buildings, the attack strength (reinforce) and all the
    balances in the attack and the defense. This would
    be an immanent effort and a complex intervention in the combat system,
    which would surely bring back one or the other bug.

    Jibahit or 08/15 may like to comment on it separately, but I do not see the benefits there. Especially since, as we said, increase the risk of unknowingly installing a mistake.

    Greetings Toadie


    ich bin kein Spiel Administrator, und auch kein Programmierer.

    was ich geschrieben hab, ist meine persönliche Meinung und Einschätzung.

    Wir könnten sicherlich Nullen streichen, allerdings müssten wir das dann auch bei den Forschungen der Gebäude, der Angrifsstärke(verstärken) und sämtliche Balancen im Angriff und der Verteidigung machen. Dies wäre ein imenser Aufwand und ein komplexer eingriff in das Kampfsystem, das sicherlich wieder den ein oder anderen Bug hervorbringen würde.

    Dschibait oder 08/15 können sich gerne seperat dazu äussern, aber ich sehe da den Nutzen nicht. Zumal wir wie gesagt das Risiko erhöhen einen fehler unwissentlich einzubauen.

    Gruss Toadie