• Official Post

    Because no bug or system failure created your problem,
    the support won't do nothing.

    Nobody as the alliance founder or anyone who is entiteled
    to share any alliance rights has the right to do such thing.
    There might be or might be not a reason, why the founder
    is no longer part of the alliance without passing any rights
    to someone.

  • I see it works!
    Good luck and skill I wish you as Leader in your alliance! Remember,
    however, not to make the same mistake as your predecessor, distribute
    the right thoughtfully and deliberately ... but do not refuse it!

    Greetings Toadie

  • It's not fair. Aliiance of Small Damorian Kingdoms were a great alliance, and it only finished because a mistake of a user. I just hope no bully attack us while we grow.

    By the way, if a bully attacks us... do we only can cry with our mommys? :D :(

  • There is puppyprotection. Your biggest player is 564,959 points. It will be a long time before the biggest players can attack you.
    So lots of time to find out the best defending strategies. I can give you some tips: find friends that are willing to fight side by side with you. log in regularly to check your kingdom and make sure you have more, more active and/or stronger allies than enemies and get some fighting experience ( like plundering the inactive players of your old alliance before they become grey or prey to all who did read this topic and know that they are not active enough to go into another alliance :P ).
    Have fun!

    Edited once, last by Juflo ().