• Hi,

    first: thanks for the team for that summer event, looks like we will be busy instead of enjoying the sun outside 8) :D

    But I have some questions:

    -What do we get when we find a "Pirate's treasure" ?

    -Untill when we will be able to gamble on a team for the Soccer World Cup: before the first pool match or after the last pool match like the last euro cup ?

    And finally:

    What can we get in game when we exchange "Bits" ?

  • I Think bits will be the same Unit as the Plasma - Units are now. Just a change for all three games they are running.

    Pirates also dont know what they get when they found a treasure, its a suprise ;)

    @Dschi auf deutsch:

    Ist leider kein ganz faires Event. Ein halbjährig spielender Spieler kann niemals so viele Asteroiden haben wie ein jahrelanger Spieler, dementsprechend auch nicht so viele Piratenflüge sehen. Die Anzahl der Hebungen des Schatzes gleicht dies zwar eventuell wieder aus, jedoch muss der Neuling viel mehr Zeit investieren da er ja den Schatz erst sieht wenn er da ist und nicht schon vor seiner Entstehung.

    Scanner für den Eventzeitraum pauschal in der Galaxykarte freischalten???

    • Official Post

    you can see that treasure like a surprise himself - its a bitl ike the idt ;)

    the tip event is like a real "tip game" - means you will be able (starting next week) to tip the score of each game in the group rounds - sixteen - quarter - semi - final

    you will get for each correct winner bits - or iif you tip the right distance or if you tipp the exact score different amount of bits. So on the end - you can (with the right scores and some luck) bought more stuff as another one with not such good tips

    exchange bits will be enabled in the next weeks (i dont know - if i will instantly pay out the bits for the scores - or if you should "press a button" to get them) - so its maybe not enabled with the starting of the world cup event. But i will try my best to get it running until the start :)
    You can choose between different bonuses like idt spins, urplasma, build fields and finally also a double production. For the future (maybe its interests someone) you will get quests in every game in every world/universe/realm. Means you can get bits by playing spaceinvasion but also damoria and mebula.

    finally the astroid comment:
    You didnt understant that event correctly. We didnt show that treasures - you didnt see where they are except if you see them flying on the astroid scanner.
    So there are 2 options to find them:
    - first spying them on the scanner
    - try any planet and see if something happend

    for players who dont have astroids:
    - first hope that you have alliance members which write you some coordinates
    - try it by urself - planet by planet

    I didnt think that smaller players has here problems - i think these players can obtain big resource amounts and can grow better than bigger players - but they need your help (which you should provide because of the mentoring system ;))
