• I have this ""disable idea"" for years and can not remember is it already posted:

    During the zero round on asteroid battle the Stealth Bombers blind the galaxy scanner for 1(?) min for every attacker's SB involved in the battle { bks the SB will do it during their zero round ;) }
    This mean the outcome of the battle does not matter - the scanner will be blinded for that time.

    But will many players use it ???

    (Maybe the asteroids should have a limited lifetime, let say 3 years, building payback for the old asteroids, and no building payback for the new dying asteroids)

    Edited 5 times, last by sitizen ().

  • Yes, I have a lot of them and I paid dearly for every one of them. So scared? No.

    It's simply unjust that the "solution" to a non-problem that doesn't need fixing offered by somebody who doesn't have them and hasn't learned to cope with them is to do away with them. I suspect that the suggestion following that one will be to get rid of warships because they break things.

    Asteroids, and all that they have, are an integral part of the game and always have been. I argue for not less asteroids but, if there's a battle on a planet that has one, let some of the rubble fall onto the roid and increase it's field size to a maximum to be determined. Some of the building on the roid would be destroyed, of course, as would happen in real life!

    Then, too, if you have some weapon that can "destroy" a roid, why NOT one for a planet? Just pump up the energy requirements! After all, that's what would likely happen in real life or any halfway decent sci-fi movie. And, between just you and me, who do you think would get that weapon first? Get real now.

    The bigger question is, do we really want to go there? What does it do to the game?

    So let's stick to the realistic science part of this game, not "magical" fixes like disappearing roids or planets that move on whim (except for major necessities like universe merges) that cater to the whims of less
    serious players. Want to counter my asteroids? Get some of your own, and learn how to use them.

  • Why should it be necessary to destroy the roids. I think, it's enough when there would be a possibility to deactivate them for a while, perhaps during a special attack mode only if there are operate impbases with the fleet.
    For example you send an impbase for attacking an asteroid, you have the choice between a normal attack and an "eliminate" mode. If the impbase survives the six battle rounds, the scanner function will be disturbed perhaps for 24h, and to check the rest time there will be a count down in the galaxy popup implemented.
    I think, the chance to fly unseen by scanning it's worth the risk for loosing an impbase because of the low speed.



    since "2oo7"

    Uni: Retro
    UID: 136