• When I enter the shop I am unable to get the shop window open that allows you to buy plasma or assistants.

    I have cleared all cookies and my cache and this has not worked either.

    I did think it was an issue with Java but this seems to be working on other sites.

    My user ID: 3164 Thanks in advance for any help

    Update: Now in the shop but all payments fail tried 2 cards both of which have funds and I get told the transaction could not be completed and im returned to the main shop.

    Ok its taken payment for 90 day escape flight asst but not given it to me....

    Sorry another edit: The shops says this: Active until: 07.12.2017 - 09:44 however the option to use it has not appeared on my command screen

    • Official Post


    - what you changed that the shop windows is open correctly?
    - if you have cards they are not accepted, you can write to our payment partners support team :) they bring support in many countries like german, russia but also in simple english. The team can easily find out whats going wrong on your purchase process.
    - You have bought the spy assistant not the escape flight assistent. All of your 3 trys are with the spy assistants. If this is false, please write a short msg to me (here), i will change this :)


  • Oh dear I made a mistake and I am sorry if this could be changed to the save asst I would be thankful.

    Sorry for the mistake I will learn to be more carful next time

    Thank you again for the help