• Official Post

    Hello Mebuly Master!

    Today we made two major changes to the silver cost.

    1. Crystals
    We want to let you start with a great variety of different Mebulys. For this you need crystals. We have decided to reduce the costs of small crystals to give new players the opportunity to choose their partners.

    - the weak crystal was reduced from 6.000 silver / 2 gold to 3.000 silver / 1 gold
    - the Strengthened crystal was reduced from 18.000 silver / 6 gold to 15.000 silver / 5 gold

    2. Attacks
    For a successful start, you need attacks that are similar with your level. It does not bother you with small attacks in the game, as your opponents also use the level-related attacks.
    It is now possible to learn attacks for 25% of the maximum energy of the Mebuly. This inclused only basic attack which you can see in our library, in other words, only attacks which are not bonus or extra attacks.

    With these changes, we hope to drastically reduce silver costs so you can use more silver for "important" things.

    Have fun with Mebula

    Mebula Team