• Official Post

    Hey Developers!

    now we publish the new server (universe) statistic API!
    first: this API can be used in sandbox mode normaly!
    you get the right data and not "randomly" created stuff ;)

    You can call this informations by using this url:

    you need only specify the output type for example: json, csv or xml

    this api will response you the online / registered users for each universe!
    the keys are:

    uni_ID: internal uni ident
    uni_name: the uni name (ident)
    uni_mode: the status of this uni, example: online (all is right), error (there are timeloops), offline (manual set to offline), patch (patchday 3h downtime)
    uni_online: the amount of users online in the last 1hour
    uni_registered: amount of user accounts in this universe
    uni_gameserver: the last response from gameserver
    uni_gameserver_time: last response time from time server
