There is no mage-energy in the loot of the bandit camps this time. But sending attacks to bandit camp is a great way to spend the time between two mage energie to appear: you also get the loot of the camps.

    You find your user id on the main page of Damoria. Just under the crusade you find your information: Nickname, user id, rank, points and treasury

    as far as I know there are 14 days of protection. But it has been a long time since I started. I will submit the protection to the team to see if it is technically possible to reduce the period of start protection.

    The capacity of cavalry is 300: In a castle they will take 100 stone, 100 wood and 100 ore if it is in the storehouse. The attacks on a bandit camp are different from attacks on a castle:
    * In a bandit camp, you can lose up to 3% of your attacking troops. all of the attack group can be massacred in a castle.
    * In a castle, your troops cannot take gems as loot. These are hidden too well the treasury. The gems are sometimes up for grabs in a bandit camp.
    * From a castle your attack troops take to their maximum capacity of goods. But they lose a few things along the way home (to the bandits or would they have come across a pub?) If the loot doesn't fit in the castle's storehouse, you' lose the loot.The loot from a bandit camp seems magical. Your troops can take more and the gems will fit in your crowded treasure room.

    Hello Apatos,

    welcome to the game. The 14 days start protection is still working. But there are other changes: The grey castles no longer will disapear from the map. Most bigger players are not interrested in the smaller castles, as they have to pay for deeds of conquest ( the price goes up with every castle you own and every deed you have in stock).
    But You would like to attack a nice big castle. Normaly a new player doesn't have the senates/ senators of a high enough level to take a bigger castle. If you managed to build it in the less than 14 days the team maybe needs to talk about to disable the attackprotection for grey castles again. I was not in the team in april 2019 so i do not know why it has not changed.

    The crusade was a temporary event. Different types of crusades have been tried. Among other things, a crusade where you could also earn "mage spells".
    At some events, the mage spells get a boost and the chance of big prizes are higher.
    There is currently no event. The mage has the normal change on big prices. You can still get a free mage spell a day. It can't be Christmas every day; Santa also needs an occasional break.

    Das Problem war ein Konto, das grau wurde und ein spieler die das support nicht erreichen konnte.
    Ich verstehe, dass ein Ticket für den Support erstellt wurde. Die (Un-) Möglichkeiten dieses Spielers müssen zwischen dem Damoria-Team und dem Spieler besprochen werden. Kurz gesagt, kann dieses Thema geschlossen werden?

    Hi Alka,
    Die bonus kan jest aktiv sein. Einmal in einer Burg aktiviert, ist der Bonus 7 Tage lang gültig. Sie können nicht zwei der gleichen Boni in einer Burg aktivieren. Erst wenn der "alte" Bonus abgelaufen ist, können Sie den neuen aktivieren.

    Thank you for pointing this out. To our regret there are more mistakes in the in-game explanation. Also because a lot has changed in recent years. And new changes are still being made. We are working on a game explanation that is easier to adjust. But it will be a while before this is ready.

    Hello TEIDOS,

    Ich weiß nicht, ob es möglich ist. Solche Dinge werden von anderen Teammitgliedern erledigt. Sie machen es jedoch einfacher, indem Sie die Welt, die Benutzer-ID und den Burgnamen benennen. Sie können dies auch mit einem Support-Ticket vereinbaren.

    hello covid-19, welcome back! (never thought to say this :D )
    1) There are no schedules, but you can test the current strength of your troops with the battle simulator. But watch out. You use attack and defense in every fight. Think of it as sword (attack) and shield (defense). A defence battle for a castle with a good shield and a bad sword will be (most of the time) less successful than a battle where both have been well investigated.
    2) The bonuses are only valid during special events. Keep an eye on the forum for a new event.
    3) The baldur castles like, mage, golden, ice and halloween can be won or obtained during events. Sometimes you get a castle and sometimes you get a upgrade to change a normal castle into a baldur.
    4) You can buy a cornucopia only in the first days you start the game. They contain for example some extra troops, resources and so on.

    Thank you for playing again. And it is no problem if you use the forum to ask questions. After all, it is made for that.

    Ich habe das Gefühl, dass der Begriff "0mstreden" Schloss nicht klar ist. Hoffentlich helfen diese Informationen.
    Jede eroberte Burg ist seit 14 Tagen "umstritten", einschließlich zuvor grauer Burgen oder übernommener Burgen innerhalb einer Allianz. Dies bedeutet, dass jeder im Spiel diese Burg angreifen kann. Erst wenn der Ex-Besitzer die umstrittene Burg zurückerobert oder die Burg 14 Tage lang denselben Besitzer hat, ist die Burg nicht mehr umstritten und nur Spieler der Allianz des (neuen) Besitzers und Spieler, die sich im militärischen Bereich des Besitzers befinden, können diese burg angriffen..
    Wenn also eine Burg innerhalb der Allianz an kleinere Spieler weitergegeben wird, bedeutet dies, dass die Burg (wieder) 14 Tage lang für alle verfügbar ist.

    Du kannst in den Kapitulationsmodus ja erst nach erfolgreicher Übernahme der Schlösser gehen.

    Der Bonus ist sieben Tage im Slot gültig. Wenn Sie den Bonus aktivieren kurz vor dem Ende des Kreuzzugs, ist er noch 7 Tage in Ihrer Burg gültig. Nur nicht verwendete Boni verschwinden.

    Mencey, please use a translation app like google translate before you post your message. This time i did it for you:

    "There are many differences for me. But if this is what you think, I ask the same question as the title of this thread, what are spies for?

    I think the thread creator is not talking about a third party sending the report to the attacker privately, it is an old game tactic that all players use and it has or had its risks and not all used them, but now it is easier to do without repercussions (but this is another topic), but that report remains in the private sphere, the attacker has obtained the report that interested him, but not all the players in the game and this is one of the differences for which I questions

    I still believe that to post reports in the hall of fame, only those affected, the attacker and the defender and no one else should be able to do so. And I'm not questioning the hall of fame thread, on the contrary, I really like it because we can see great battles of the attackers and the defenders.

    I have tried to explain what I understand that the creator of the thread wants to state and express my opinion about it and if it is taken into account, then, great, and if not, I think that what I present could not be valued, I have never wanted or I will not get into a discussion about it that will lead to nothing. Kind regards and thanks for your attention."

    Hi Ragayel,

    The treasury can not be destroyed by kata's. You can not select the treasury nor hiding place as target. This is not a bug and the simulator works fine. You have to demolish it level by level.