En la ventana del tesoro, en la séptima entrada, me dice que he obtenido lo siguiente:

    7 03.09.23 00:49 Reclamar bonificación de energía de mago n.° 2

    20x campo de construcción (castillo principal)

    7 03.09.23 00:49 Reclamar bonificación de energía de mago n.° 2

    20x campo de construcción (castillo principal)

    No he obtenido estos 20 lotes nuevos en mi principal, ¿es posible que sea un bug o error?

    world The Crusades

    mencey | ID de usuario : 2383



    Vielen Dank, Deschibait, für das Verständnis für die Absicht meines Beitrags, die hauptsächlich darin besteht, dass dieser alte Thread dabei helfen könnte, die beste Entscheidung für alle zu treffen.

    Bezüglich der Übersetzung möchte ich mich entschuldigen, da ich bei der Suche nach den Threads in meiner Sprache den Link kopiert habe und nicht wusste, dass er im Übrigen in meiner Sprache erscheinen würde, was mein Fehler war.


    Du hast im Thread von 2018 nicht dasselbe gesagt, Genosse, es ist offensichtlich, dass sich in 5 Jahren das Spiel ändert, genau jetzt verteidigst du und gibst als Beispiel, was jendrez1 vorgeschlagen hat, mit dem Argument, dass er zu den Top20 gehörte und dass er Konnte aufgrund der Kapazität der Staatskasse nicht. Er konnte seine Truppen nicht heilen, aber damals waren Sie dagegen; Seien wir ehrlich, wie Sie gerade sagen, ist es ein anderes Szenario, und Sie wissen, was es ist, dass Sie vor fünf Jahren ein kleiner oder mittlerer Spieler waren und dies den Topspielern von damals zugute kam, zu denen Sie und andere Verteidiger heute nicht zählten. Weil Sie sich noch im Prozess des individuellen und kollektiven Aufbaus befanden, gehören Sie jetzt zu den Top 20 und deshalb sind Sie jetzt interessiert. Meiner Meinung nach achten Sie also nicht auf das gemeinsame Interesse, sondern insbesondere auf Ihr eigenes.


    Mencey, ich weiß nicht, ob es richtig ist, Beiträge, Aussagen und Meinungen aus dem Jahr 2018 in die heutige Diskussion einzubeziehen. Das Spiel, die Taktik usw. Seitdem haben sie sich stark verändert.

    Richtig, Kumpel, du hast recht, die Dinge haben sich geändert und sie haben sich auf die gleiche Weise geändert, wie ich Juffle erzähle: Vor 5 Jahren warst du selbst nicht in den Top 15, es gab andere (Hochester, Urot, Speed Gunner usw.) und dann diese Das Spiel ist unausgeglichen, aber jetzt sind die Top 15 anders und jetzt ist das Spiel nicht unausgeglichen, was für eine Inkonsistenz, oder?

    P.S. Um es klarzustellen: Vor fünf Jahren habe ich zugestimmt, dass dies getan werden sollte, und auch jetzt bin ich ein mittlerer Spieler und schaue nicht darauf, wer oder wer davon profitiert oder nicht, ich bleibe bei meiner Idee und ändere mich nicht je nachdem, ob sie das eine oder das andere sind, wie ich denke, hier einige tun.



    Old topic, and apart from this attached thread, there are more that suggest-propose the same thing.

    Time and the newspaper library portray some; some before this same proposal (see the link of the thread) before they said no and now they say yes; surprising isn't it? They even interpret that some posts insinuate things that can lead to more or less attention depending on whoever proposes it. reading the 2018 thread, let each one think accordingly and make the decision that best suits everyone.

    hello, in my case it's still the same, I get the same error message as mentioned above.

    Fatal error: Uncaught --> Smarty Compiler: Syntax error in template "file:8f6ccbdbd4340eeb2d223c9d8bbb7bf3844e12b6" on line 895 "Por 10.000 de cada tipo de ámbar, puedes convertir tu castillo en un castillo de ámbar. Los enemigos no pueden conquistar los castillos de ámbar, pero tampoco puedes iniciar ataques. (Enfriamiento {$cdCastleDays} {if $cdCastleDays < 2}día{otros}días{/if})" unknown tag 'otros' <-- thrown in /var/www/damoria/SHARED/smarty/smarty_31/sysplugins/smarty_internal_templatecompilerbase.php on line 1153

    00 Castle - gunman68---- Castle - reyarmiche----00 Castle Taur-nu---- 01 BBB 1---- 01 Castle Borondon---- 01 Castle Borondon 1----

    01 Borondon Castle 2 ------ 01 Borondon Castle 4 D----- 01 El Julan Castle----- 01 Malaga4-39 Castle ----- 01 Castle - mencey 104 ----

    01 Castle - Taur-nu-Fuin 12 ----- 01 Castle - Taur-nu-Fuin 15----

    01 Castle - Taur-nu-Fuin 16---- 01 Castle - Taur-nu-Fuin 17-----

    01 Castle - Taur-nu-Fuin 19 ---- 01 cuckoo 7 ----- 01 cuckoo----

    01 M-INT-19---- 01 Maister 2 --- 01 Pinocchio III --- 01 land ---

    01 ground2---- 01 ground3 ---

    These are the castles, I sent the ticket to support, I hope it doesn't take too long, because in some of those castles I have the master builder hired to upload the elf workshop and he's stopped because the free lot he had for the elf workshop to upload is occupied by the mine of amber.

    thank you for your attention and happy holidays from him.

    In some castles, automatically and randomly, 1 level of amber mine has been built, and this of course I have spent a construction field, I do not get the option to demolish it, could you please put this option and remove that construction? I have no interest and I don't want to spend build fields on that build, thanks.

    The ability to move with your main castle is limited, as it was misused to "jump" and thus attack other players unexpectedly. Because of this, it is now only possible to move your main castle if you are capitulated.

    There are also other reasons for wanting to move with your main castle, than attacking an opponent. Reasons that may give you more fun in the game: Wanting to get away from a hostile or crowded environment, where you can't grow. Sit closer to friends, so you're safer.

    My suggestion: A player who would like to move, gives the player name and new coordinates here in the forum in a special topic. If no valid reason is given by other players, the main castle can be moved after 14 days. After the move the account can not attack or be attacked for another 14 days ( 14 days capitulated without the extra bonuses).

    These arguments were also valid before when the rules of moving the main castle were changed, not all players wanted to use this feature to attack, most reserved this for defensive use. Many among whom I am did not agree with this modification and yet it was implemented and now you want to go back? what some of us said and that didn't work for you then, is it worth it now? Why now yes and not before?

    I consider that now since it should stay that way and not change as it suits some.

    I don't think that's a good idea.

    Hi, a question about the attack protection survey. Can you vote twice, that is, can you vote in the English thread and in the German thread?

    I have seen that there are players who have voted in both threads.

    Borro mi comentario porque no se porque no sale completo, al pegar solo sale una parte.

    Spies? do they exist or do they not exist? Personally, despite the years that I habe been playing, I do not know anyone who is a spy and I have never seen information that alerts me to the movements of the enemies, but there are players her who publicly acknowledge that there are, even that they are already within possible new alliances, that is to say, they know them and they know who they are and this type of affirmation generates questions and doubts, such as these supposed known spies yill not be multi-accounts? if so, they are known and consented to. These types of statements really cast some more than reasonable doubts about it because who would be interested in having spies in other alliances but the same players who woukd be interested in knowing the movements of theri alleged rivals. I think that a new player, I doubt very much that he already has the role of knowing the movements of enemies because he doesn't have them and won't have them for a long time and his concern would be to learn to play and hnow all the characteristics of the game or so I think

    mencey | User ID: 2383

    In my case I do not see or find any changes, everything remains the same, except that my spy reports cannot be seen, I have already created a thread in errors / bugs about it.

    now you can see the updates

    Thank you very much, doubt clarified for me part this thread can be closed.

    P.S. I completely agree with Deschibait that this error in the game is not the time to correct it so as not to influence now that there is a war and not to make past mistakes, we will see in the future if it is convenient or not, look at this, but That is not for me to decide. Finally and once again say and clarify again that the undersigned did not create this thread with the intention of making changes that this is clear if I had thought so I would have created this thread in another way and in errors / bugs of the game , I just wanted to confirm in case I was wrong that what was proposed worked or I didn't do it to adapt my way of playing and now I have it clear.

    Thank you very much, and query resolved.

    3) These characteristics that we find in the game, are being applied in the attacking troops' bonuses, as well as in the constructions, (see page help tabs of troops, buildings etc)

    3) I don't understand what you mean by this.

    thank you very much for your help; If in the next few days the administrators can answer any of the questions.

    As far as I know I already know, in the Spain server and in EG2 (bigponit stage) if these bonuses worked and it was not impossible to conquer a castle, it was easier than now, the difference is as I said before, if you attacked a castle With wall 20 you had 1000 losses in relation to the army you sent, if you attacked it with wall 70 then you had 1500, by having better defense bonds you caused more losses in the attacker's troops, but the opposite was not impossible, the walls they were weaker than now. Actually now, the fighting troops do not defend a castle, it is as if the fight is taking place on an open battlefield without protection.

    And finally, to the question that has created doubts, I will try to clarify it, supposedly each troop has a characteristic or base values both in defense and in attack, for example and according to the attached capture:

    Lancer: battle value attack 10 defense 15

    Armored cavalry: attack value 150 defense 200

    These values are what I refer to, it is assumed that if they are being applied, hence some troops are better to attack and others to defend, and I just wanted this question to be ratified and that it creates the question of whether these values are Apply, as the attached page tells us, in the same philosophy the other defense bonuses are not applied for each level of wall? I hope I have clarified your doubt about the question.

    Once again I reiterate my gratitude for your attention and help. Atte. Mencey

    We will wait for a possible response from the bitmeup team if it is deemed appropriate.

    Good morning, after a reasonable time has elapsed so that this query will be studied to obtain an answer and considering that it may have been enough time, I ask if it is already possible to obtain an answer to the doubts raised, which are:

    Are defending troops +1 defense bonuses being applied to troop back +2 for acheos as reflected in the game's features? and if yes, could you explain the result of the attached simulation?

    If not, would you be kind enough to give a brief explanation of why they do not apply?

    These characteristics that we find in the game, are being applied in the attacking troops' bonuses, as well as in the constructions, (see page help tabs of troops, buildings etc)

    From your point of view, what opinion do you have (moderators), if an army that defends itself behind a parapet-wall should not have a defensive bonus or not and why should it not have it?

    thanks for your attention, waiting for your reply Atte.