• Kolega chyba wczoraj przesadzil z %%% i postanowil minute po wlocie wylac swoje "uprzejmosci" i zale...

    W przyplywie uniesienia pokasowal planetki i wzial prezent w postaci wiaderka i grabek, a nastepnie udal sie w kierunku piaskownicy gdzie jego miejsce...

    The following fleets confronted each other on on 2017-01-05


    Battle lasted 4 Rounds


    First Round ---> Last Round

    Attacker: GwiezdnyRycerz
    Phoenix 65000 ---> 64988

    Defender: Majek999
    Small Shield Dome 1 ---> Destroyed
    Large Shield Dome 1 ---> Destroyed


    Transmitter 3535 ---> Destroyed
    Phoenix 18770 ---> Destroyed
    Colony Ship 3 ---> Destroyed
    Spy Probe 8374 ---> Destroyed
    Recycler 7840 ---> Destroyed
    Imperial Starbase 2 ---> Destroyed

    The attacker won the battle!

    He won 46.058 pieces of pig iron 1.244.329 pieces of metal 6.715.352 kryptonite] crystals.142.637 units of spice

    The attacker lost a total of 600.000 units.
    The defender lost a total of 1.283.800.000 units.

    There are now 220.889.700 metal and 159.715.350 kryptonite at these space coordinates An asteroid formed out of the rubble!