• today I received 5000 amber stones of each kind thanks to this contest. I wish to thank the organization for this :thumbup: .

    Although I think I should be entitled to 10,000 amber stones of each.

    The rule was: " 10 People with a valid message (UserID+World) and the most likes or other comments win ".

    I reached a total of 23 likes and 6 comments. I don't see any other candidate with such a result.

    Can that be checked please?

    • Official Post


    checked it, you have 6 likes; and the exact text is not "other comments" its "other reactions"

    Means, any reaction (like heart other smiles) also counts, but you have "just" 6 likes on your comment.

    Thats a 4th place.

    If you think something else, just write in a private conversation to me (i dont like to spoil your real name here in public area)

