• The guards are an allegory of medieval romantic times and the altruistic values of knights. Dedication, commitment, saving damsels (girls or boys!) in danger, destroying dangerous windmills, slaughtering one or another enemy with loads of blood gushing. A little of everything but with a background of values and altruism.

    I suggest, on behalf of chivalry, that one day a week the top players do not play allowing the second row to have their sunny day.
    All players who reach the top 8 - in the previous six days - on the "holy day" are required for other duties. Administration "pays" the day... 100 credits for not playing?

    However, we community can put this idea into practice without the participation of the administration. Since now.
    I propose that all players who reach the final between Monday 9th and Saturday 14th do not participate on Sunday.
    (After we managed, together, that Hochstedter started to win, we can also let others shine.)

    I hit the final a few times. My basic objective, if I don't participate, is still fulfilled - getting bonuses in the castles.
    I think fellow top players will be able to do the same due to... whatever:
    - Pure Chivalry;
    - Pure and simple day rest;
    - Don Quixote syndrome (or Rocinante...);
    - In this case of pure altruism, the administration will even pay more credits than suggested. After all, we speak of chivalry...;
    - A few more minutes to play, to gain experience and level up OR do some maintenance to the liquid-cooled titanium/carbon fiber mouse, in Hochstedter´s case...

    (© 2012 - Once upon a time...)

    W1 - 124
    Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

  • Daily participants (I didn't register but) over 120
    Different players in the finals: 15
    Maximum number of player wins (base rank): 6
    Maximum number of second place for a player: 5 - We have to help him and for that I propose that we stop helping Hochstedter from now on.
    Fighting to reach the finals - the sunny day (probably more): 11

    I always hope for the best from the community. In this case from the medieval chivalric community. The bloody fights, with guts and blood everywhere, are in the game and not in this mini-game...
    Even Hochstedter has declared himself human (ie the high-tech mouse is not incorporated...). My faith in the species will not be defrauded...

    (© 2012 - Once upon a time...)

    W1 - 124
    Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

    Edited 2 times, last by Nordium: Bad table format ().

  • We did it again.
    We are all, the community, to be congratulated. We managed to get Mastema to win the final.
    I contributed my little bit, mylovelynighingale too but Hochstedter was magnanimous. I always believed in him - he did for other what we had already done for him. :thumbup:
    (And now I'm going to look in old family photos for the presence of a Terminator...) :whistling:

    (© 2012 - Once upon a time...)

    W1 - 124
    Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

  • I think all is fine. Rank 1-8 is not much a difference in bonuses as you get 150 for 1 and I believe 143 points for rank 8...rank 9 is a drop because of missing 50 points for quarter final stage.

    ID 255 in World 1 Damoria
    ID 171 in World 2 Damoria

    Ein Bier ist kein Bier.
    Wer zwei trinkt, kann auch drei trinken.
    Nach drei Bier, hol ich mir doch noch ein Viertes.
    Ach komm, was ist schon ein Sixpack.
    Hmm der leere Kasten ist mein Kopfkissen.
    Heute kauf ich mir eine Brauerei.

  • As always Hochstedter is absolutely correct. The difference between the Top 8 and the others is small - 50 points and... glory.
    As I wrote when I started this post this minigame will be an allegory about medieval knights. There were all sorts of things: some roamed, others protected the weak, some sought the Grail, one fought with windmills, but also those in search purely and simply for personal glory. That of altruism and helping others... let it be.
    In this minigame you can reach the top with a lot of effort clicking, some luck finding equipment and some wisdom and attention in the tournament. No one has to share their effort, their luck and their knowledge - but there are those who don't mind sharing the hard-won possible glory...

    Here's the result:

    In my review:
    - 2 players undoubtedly gave way to others;
    - 2 players probably gave way to others;
    - 1 player does not share is hard effort;
    - The rest... some follow the leader's example, others are distracted (most certainly);
    - 2 players have achieved their sunny day - many more will come!

    And so I end the challenge.
    The quest for chivalry continues. Ever!

    (© 2012 - Once upon a time...)

    W1 - 124
    Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.