• Hi, I wanted to play to the new Easter speed uni but I couldn't because of this :

    "Hello Johzy!

    Welcome to the "Easter-Speed"-Universe! This Univrese does'nt allowes Account-Transfers from other Unvierses. So you only can create a new Account.
    With the takeover of all accounts from bigpoint, we didn't allow that sepcial bigpoint connected (created) accounts are able to create new SI-Accounts. Please add a new SpaceInvasion Account to your BitMeUp Account.


    So I created a new Account linked to my Johzy account via my BitmeUp account.

    But I wonder If I will be able to transfer spice from my newly created account (on Easter speed uni) to my account in Nexus universe ?
    Both are linked with the same BitmeUp account.

    • Official Post


    we changed all account transfer that it works bitmeup wide - so you can transfer the spice to any of your linked accounts (also former bigpoint accounts)