• Dear sirs,
    At Retro uni i have reached 100000 gifts and x10 production was not displayed in the line above (in fact without any changes). After that i opened Santa-gift and reached x2 production. I`m tried to buy 5x Multi-Production (24 hours) for 250 red boxes instead x2, but did not achieve the result. I spended 250 red boxes into the waste :(
    According with the rules of christmas event:
    As soon as you have collected 100,000 gifts, you will receive a 10-fold production for 24 hours. You can collect this up to 3 times!
    Could you help me with this problem/bug?
    Thank you, sirs.

  • did you check, if it went to your economy sector in the left menu?

    Man ist nicht gleich überheblich, bloss weil man weiss, was man kann und was der Andere nicht kann.

    ...Top-Anwärter für: "bester Nachbar 2020"

  • I checked it at the same time:

    + Event-Multi-Produktionx1




    Thats all.

    • Official Post

    at this economy overview you have several tabs on top of that page (below your main menu)

    There you can enter your multi production stock; where you can find all of your multi productions.
    I checked that in your account, you have obtained this 10x production.

  • Dear Dschibait,
    Found. This multi production stock activating by manual mode, its
    clear. When event will end the list of mps will end too?
    Thank you.

  • Dear Dschibait,
    I have the last question. How i can change x2 event-production until to x5 event-production? Only when x2 is end? Or at any time by pressing a button "activate" on x5?
    Thank you for the answer and have a good holidays.

  • Hello, dear
    I have also the same trouble.
    I have check all the settings deeply.
    Still, I am not getting it. :(

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