• Hello Astronauts,
    I can't find neither on the site nor on the forum anything about the battle system. I tried the simulator but it's kind of nonsense, like phoenix VS battleship:

    The attacking fleet fires 1 times with a firepower of 320 + X damage points.
    The defending fleet is damaged by 300 damage points. (which is its shield?)
    The defending fleet fires 1 times with a firepower of 300 + X damage points.
    The attacking fleet is damaged by 180 damage points. (it's shield again)

    Battleship wins after 4 same exact rounds like this, while both structures are greater than 50000.

    • Official Post

    I didnt get it - you want to leave because of a combat system which was 12 years old - there are a million of players in bipgoint and bitmeup times, who play with this system - now you "think" that it makes no sense because of some "rng"factors which you are not seen and you want to leave?

    When this is the fact i should leave also many of my games which i play :D i also didnt see the exact calculation for heroes of the storm attacks or for some rng crits in world of warcraft.

    So - the combat system is not what you can "calculate" to the last number down - its more kind of a "good feeling" for the setup /against someone, or not. The simulator should bring you better into this "feeling of a good ending".

    But, this is the spirit of spaceinvasion and what it defines.

    • Official Post

    that someone dosnt answered you here on forum dosnt mean that the game is dead.
    Most of the alliance communites dont want to help "others" (opponents) with questions about the "main feature" (battle system) in this game.

    Think about this, and good luck in space or rl!